Thursday, February 10, 2022

Lazy Retirement Life

I'm so sorry to hear that at least two of my readers have lost pups in the last couple of days. In my world dogs are family and l have lost two dogs at age fourteen and one at a much younger age, as long term readers remember. It did get better and I did love other dogs but it was so very, very traumatic at the time. And for a long time after.

Yesterday I got my “big order" from Walmart (I’m ordering from Walmart and filling in with trips to Aldi or the butcher with few exceptions and it’s working well).  While  the cold stuff was all safely put in the the places they go, all the non-perishables (canned goods, crackers, oatmeal, self rising flour, steak sauce, rice) are still sitting on the counter. And probably will sit there till tomorrow. The steak sauce is for the slow cooker swedish meatballs by the way. Good steak does not get steak sauce.

The dishwasher was running when I went to bed. Not last night though, the night before. It’s still not emptied and dishes are sitting and soaking in the sink. It also will probably wait until tomorrow.

I cooked up a package of hamburgers last night just so I could just make a salad, cut up fruit and reheat the burgers this evening.  And I’m gonna put it all on one big plate to avoid a dish.

My living and dining room are basically fine (thanks to a basket for every project and every loose group of items) but I haven’t dusted or vacuumed in well over a week. And this morning I looked at the little corner chair that I use to dump my clothes in the evening that will be worn again (if not on this day than another), and practically had a heart attack.

On the other hand, except for today I’ve been pretty good about walking outside for half an hour (hello good weather) and doing chair aerobics for the other half.  I’ve cooked something in the big cooker every third night or so and put the leftovers in the freezer without ordering in.

 I’ve spent (and am still spending) energy figuring out how to make my studio a quilting/sewing/painting/weaving/all the other things space. I’ve made a valiant attempt to document all the little pieces of fabric and yarn and paper so that I can make things with them. I spent yesterday, I am ashamed to say, color mixing paint to come up with “succulent color” in the chart below with less than perfect success. Less than perfect may have to do.

Last but not least, I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time reading on my kindle, watching Reacher, Sweet Magnolias, the new season of the Canadian show The Wall, and exploring a European show called Follow the Money. As well as watching more than my share of Youtube videos of every coloration and type (Antonio Banderas dancing to Leonard Cohen, what’s not to love).

Retirement is what it is. The next three days are more of the current “same”.  Alice in Wonderland quilting, wall art painting projects, TV, Swedish meatballs, Art on the patio at the local brew pub, and the Super bowl.

Hopefully I’ll manage to get the dishwasher emptied and food put away tomorrow, and maybe I can vacuum between church and the football game!


  1. It seems that no matter how often I organize and set up my sewing/craft space I can do it again. Hope you get yours set up to your liking.

    God bless.

  2. At least you have a plan for your craft supplies. I wish I did.

    1. I always have a plan. I have a whole notebook of things to make not that they will all be done. I come from the don't dither, just do school of crafting and sort. Sime things will be great, some good, sine not. But they'll all be made.

  3. Dust stays right there until you get to it; so do dishes. Dishes are last on my list too. I reorganized a jewelry drawer and box yesterday, just cuz I couldn't stand it anymore. Now I know where stuff is. Hung up my high school drum major whistle. Got a little frame to put a burgundy cloth in, to hang all of my nursing school and nursing career pins. I might as well look at them instead of being in the drawer! 2 1/2 years til retirement... Linda in Kansas

  4. As I near my seventh decade, I'm learning to make peace with a bit of clutter and dust. Barb, I think you're making good choices with your outdoor walking, chair aerobics and cooking.

  5. There are days when I wake up, look around the house at what tasks I should do and then say, "to heck with it" and do something I would enjoy better. I chalk it up to retirement and being an age where it is not that important.

  6. I saw a meme the other day, "from dust we come and to dust we return, which is why I don't dust because it might be someone I know."

    There are days (and sometimes weeks when I really don't feel like doing much and I don't because I know there will be days (never weeks) when I go gangbusters and get everything tidied up and put away. Sigh, today is the day to tackle my craft room.

  7. I am sadly uninspired to do a whole lot of anything right now. I have been doing necessary housework and that is about it. I think it is all about the covid isolation, but the days are pretty now and the case numbers have dropped substantially. It is time for me to go back into some sort of social interaction.

  8. Remember the days we worked, got groceries, ran errands, cooked and cleaned all in the same day? I'm not sure I would cook if it were just me! GOOD JOB!

  9. It sounds as if you're making decisions where to allocated limited energies, and making them based both on healthy choices and endeavors that satisfy your need for creativity. I find that I can accept the need to do that allocation, but I still struggle with the results: the dusty tabletop, the hang-dry clothes hanging until the next time I wear them, that sort of thing.

  10. It's nice to be your own boss and decide what when where and how you will spend your time, eh? I can't wait!



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