Friday, July 5, 2019


I hope you all had a lovely 4th, whatever you did.  These days, around here, we have turned into the "Hang around the yard, cookout and have strawberry shortcake, watch the fireworks on TV and/or see what we can from our window or yard", kind of crew. It works for us, it works for our dogs and after living in Washington DC for over 20 years I am a fully admitted fireworks snob. As I mentioned on another blog, for years we would go to a picnic at around two at the officers club on the navy yard and then pull out our chairs and sit along the Anacostia before the fireworks, watching all the boats come in.

I started this morning high on the lazy factor. I began this missive in bed, and even got up and made scrambled eggs before bringing said breakfast back to bed. You'd think it was winter or something instead of a mainly beautiful day with some expected afternoon thunderstorms. I am, as the title says, nesting.

A quick look at my calendar yesterday showed that I have nowhere out of the house I need to be before next Wednesday at one, so my social butterfly-ness is mainly on hold. I will go out a few time to work out (as opposed to using my videos). I'll run to church at some point on Sunday. And while most of my second week in the  month big payday spending will be online, on Tuesday I will at least run out and pick up my click list order (while sitting in my car) and have someone else unload it when I return. All of those days except today will be mainly alone (my son will be around part of the Sunday). And I'm happy as a clam. And yes, I will hopefully avoid all of those huge garage sales that are advertised no Next Door!

Of course, this doesn't mean I'll be doing nothing as such. There's that working out thing for an hour most days. Certainly some housework will enter the equation. Life goes on after all. I really need to figure out a budget for the three weeks of September and those two volunteer weeks as well as where I will stay. Although I'm an Airbnb type gal, we will probably stay in a hotel suite on the beach for a week in Texas because my sister-in-law is recovering from health problems and a stroke and I will be more comfortable with her on the beach doing less walking to places and having an immediate response should we need it. As for Tuscon, I'm considering taking the train from Dallas which suggests I should find an Airbnb near the church in question rather than look at a resort further away-but all is in limbo as I send out emails do a search.

But most of the doing will be of the fun and often lazy kind and on my terms. This afternoon, I am gonna play with my second abstract canvas. I have a pile of real (as opposed to kindle) library books on art quilts and collage to peruse-along with books to read! New hobbies to jump into and all that! I've got stuff to knit, if I can just find a good new series to watch on TV. And more reading time. I plan to up the day dreaming time, as well as the outside time.  And I may even have my very own lemon meringue pie to savor over the next few days depending on sister's plans to day. I happen to know the pie crust is already made and in the fridge

Meanwhile, the search for the dress goes on. I sent a few to my daughter to rule out the ones she hated. And I ordered the first one below. I'll either like it for an outdoor wedding, or more likely feel like I should be in "Little House on the Prairie" but we'll see. I'm also ordering the second one. It looks short in the picture, but the measurements (and I'm barely five foot six these days) say that it should be mid thigh rather than just above the knee. And so it goes.....
Ordered this, probably a bit on the beach side, but we will see on the bod
Love this, will add a duster and/or make a shawl IF it is a teeny bit longer than it looks
Love this, may be too mauvyy, and its an outdoor wedding with grass so not sure I want a maxi.


  1. I like all three as well. Enjoy your nesting time!

  2. I like the first one best but I really love the house on the Prairie look. The second one is really cute, the third only if your skin tone looks good in that color. It's not an easy color to wear. You are funny saying you're not sure about a maxi in grass. I'm sure it will be well groomed grass the day of the wedding.

  3. I like them all, but No. 2 the best!

  4. Two is my favourite and I enjoy your blog. Saffron from Australia

  5. I like the first one, but you got to go with what makes you the most comfortable. I love nesting time. There are days I don't leave the house and I'm thankful for that. I'd do the clicklist but they don't do alcohol and we like our glasses of wine with dinner at times so that "forces" me into the store.


  6. Sounds like a perfect way to spend the next few days!

    All three dresses are pretty; I especially like the middle one, and how it flows. Good luck on the dress hunt!

  7. All three dresses are very pretty...but I think the way you feel in them will help you choose. I'm a big believer in being comfortable--even when dressed up. Hope one of these will be the winner for you!

    1. I've actually spent part of today making a huge pinterest board that I'll share. So the options have really increased.

  8. I love the first and last ones the most. Then again I am a longer length type of girl. Pick the one you are most comfortable in.

    God bless.

  9. I like the first two dresses, not the third ... like I know what I'm talking about! Never seen the DC fireworks. One of these days ...


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