Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday Musings - Goals and Such!!

Some people on the capsule thread asked me to share what I wore on different kinds of days. This is a lousy selfie and a dirty mirror but you get the idea. I walked half forty minutes around a reservoir, went to coffee and conversation (and breakfast) for an a half with my gals group, came home and knitted and will read and throw a casserole in the oven. Cropped jeans, stretchy silky tshirt, bright pink and blue shoes and earrings. This is Colorado, and you don't sweat as such-or rather it evaporates before it hits your clothing. Also, Colorado tends to be the land of casual so I could have gone out to dinner in this outfit, but I probably would have put on pink ballet flats (yes, I have them) or sandals.,
So, I am happy to say that at this point (knock on proverbial wood),I am VERY happy with VASA fitness customer service, if you have one in your area.  I got up, called their "acceptance" line at their corporate office and told them I wanted to cancel my $70 a week for six month fitness contract and the young fellow cancelled it and sent me a confirmation email. He did ask why and I did tell him that with my history of falls, right now was probably not the best time. He said cool, I was within the three business day cancellation time and things happen!!

Meanwhile, it's the end of a month where I did poorly on my goals bucket list (I'll share below). And for the future, I'm going to be doing weekly instead of monthly goals with a few exceptions.  So, for June my goals were:

Make a patriotic table runner Did not happen, am starting on a big project
Paint a Patriotic Birdhouse Did, will post photos soon
Read a Non Fiction book Not as such, but I have started two books recommended by other bloggers. One called Atomic Habits, and one about living on less, and not just less stuff or money as I understand it.
Make Smores/Sand Tarts Did the sand tart part, forgot pics, may have to make some more!!
Go to two festivals and two farmers markets Behind on the festival portion of this, will make up for it in July in spades!
Take an In Person Class No. I decided for now Utube would do, and my gals group have some "wine and crafting" type events coming up.
Take a Utube Class Yes, I am in the middle of both a Utube class and a Great Courses class
120,000 Steps Done, did and done
Other exercise Nah, the tube aside, I may need to do Tai Chi in a group situation to be comfy
Partake in the Saved Savings Challenge Yes, but almost all my purchases this month were needs, so not alot of "I didn't buy that birthday gift or oil change" kind of savings
Make Some decision on the upper yard still talking, no decisions
Deal with my passport issues Since it was dog eared and could not be renewed, I pushed this back as I will need to start from scratch and pay the fee. Good thing I don't plan to leave  the country before Christmas, I guess!!
Spend an hour outside as many nice days as possible Absolutely!
Photo a day challenge Apparently this one is not calling me

Now, as I try and get my goals in place, a few weekly and a few monthly goals. I have just two monthly goals, and the rest are weekly. My monthly goals are simple: Decide where I am staying for a week in Galveston and if I am going to stay at a retirement resort or just at a close Airbnb when I volunteer in Tuscon (possibly the second as I'm thinking about combining the volunteering with a train trip from Dallas). The second goal is to try fly lady for one full month (the zones only, not the shoes) and see what I think as a routine for retirement home management if you will.

Weekly Goals:

1.  Health: Get six thousand steps in five days a week and two days of weight training.

2. Fun: Go to a new farmers market and plan something to do at home on the fourth (drugged dogs doncha know).

3. Fun:  Do an abstract acrylic canvas like the one above. My goal is to try one new project (aside from my regular knitting and sewing) a week. I'm already set up for this one except for newspapers and water. I'm not promising I'll share the final project.  

4. Fun: Finish one of the two non fiction books

5. Organization:  Get my big Amazon shopping order (I've been slowly building up things I need to order including craft supplies, supplements, work shorts to gift son. The list includes everything from new phone cables (the heavy ones), to sleep aids, to fall stencils to personal products that are much cheaper. I do have free two day shipping but I refuse to get so many containers if I can just get one or two boxes or envelopes.

6.  Financial:  Make a plan for tracking saved savings since I only use a card-a sheet and a receipt holder or something so that at the end of each week I can track what I didn't spend money on, bottom of receipt savings, and gift card earnings so I can transfer that real money to savings.

7. Organization:  Make that complete clothing inventory lists.

8. Fun:  Go to the Cherry Creek Arts Festival, depending on the weather.

9. Personal: Journal at least one page every day.

10. Family:  Have a one on one dinner with son, depending on his new schedule.

And there you have it. I may (or may not) have a photo of my first acrylic art project on Wednesday. Perhaps I need to start a series: Their Utube art and mine, or their Pinterest projects vs mine?  What do you think?


  1. That abstract acrylic painting project is very cool!

    1. It is. And it looks fun and easy-its supposed to be abstract after all.

  2. Your list of goals always wear me out. :) I'm impressed by your 120,000!

    1. In fairnes, I could equivalancies from a chart for all exercise, not just walking. The recumbent bike counts and so on.

  3. The abstract painting looks like fun! Cant wait to see how yours turns out.

  4. I got a pedometer app for my phone a week ago and it is fun seeing how many steps and miles I walk. You are achieving lots of goals.

    1. It's interesting how they add up in my fitbit

  5. That's cool you were able to cancel VASA without any hassle. VASA recently remodeled an old Mervin's store here and turned it into a very popular gym that brought life to a dying strip mall. That impressed me! I have a treadmill at home that I use 5 days a week so the gym right now is of no benefit to me.

    You accomplished some great things and have some great things on the horizon to get to. Its good to lay down plans like this and see what comes to fruition.


    1. Yes, I was thankful that the gave me no issues with the cancellatio. I cannot go on a treadmill, unfortunately/

  6. Congratulations.You accomplished many of your goals. June was my first month of publishing goals and it was a challenge.

  7. I think you accomplished a lot from a quite long list of goals. Glad you were able to cancel the gym contract and I will be curious about your reaction to following fly lady for a month.

  8. Barb, this comment isn't pertinent to today's post,but I remember you saying you were looking for a rose/pink colored dress for your daughter's wedding. Coldwater Creek has one, "elegant duet gown" number 16291, in pink champagne. It's on sale right now. It might not be the style you're looking for, but I wanted to mention it. Good luck!

    1. Thank you. I did go look at it. Im looking for something less formal and tea length or such if I can find it....grass and all that.

  9. What a wonderful list of goals. You did accomplish a great deal of your last months goals.

    God bless.

  10. Love your outfit. It's the casual look that I like in the summer too. And, those shoes ... when you showed them in your previous blog, I was thinking they'd look good with jeans. I'm not artistic but when I watched the acrylic painting video, I thought maybe I could give it a try. We'll see. First, I'd need to go buy the paints, palette knife, and canvas but it looks like fun:)

  11. You are an ambitious planner and doer. It does make me feel good to have a list and cross off things. Although I have to add things onto that list during the course of the day (or week).

    I love doing crafts but have never had a room (or area) to leave things to work on. And surely can't now in my 10x13 room!! The lily pad project looks fabulous!

    Your fashion style is right up my alley. I wear very baggy clothes so look even plumper than I am. I'm an all cotton gal and I need to update my look. Your shoes go PERFECT with that outfit! I still haven't made myself do 5,000 steps a day. My sister did 10,000 before noon today.

    Thanks for posting!

  12. Very ambitious goals and good for you. I do love lists so I can cross things off!!! I've been doing Flylady for about 7 years and at first I did follow what she said,as I was in the decluttering stage. Now I just follow the zones. There's a really cute you tuber called 'minimom' in Australia who doesFlylady her way and it's good to watch. She uses what she needs from it and leaves the rest. I'd recommend watching her.


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