Tuesday, December 21, 2021

When The Mind Is Willing But The Body Won't Cooperate


Just a small portion of Transgender Story Time

The above quote is not mine, but boy does it apply.

Yesterday I made a post on my local Facebook town group. I’ve decided that I will have an additional expense in the new year. I’m looking for someone to come in twice a month and do all the things I can’t and/or that cause me pain.

Basically this means everything in the apartment from the thighs down. Thighs up, I’m mainly golden. Dusting even to the ceiling corners and table fans, kitchen and bathroom counters, putting stuff away, folding laundry, decluttering are all in my wheelhouse. 

Knees down and that’s a different story. All stuff I cannot do, or do properly, or make me scream when I do them (I suppose I could ride my office chair around the apartment and do what needs to be done if I had to). This includes, cleaning the tub, toilet and floors, moving the furniture and vacuuming, doing the kitchen floor and the bottom of the fridge and so on. I’ll also have some specific season and organization tasks each time.

Lots of people feel that they don’t want to hire this kind of stuff because they think it’s good for them, or they feel less independent while getting help, or other things. With my chronic pain level and degenerative issues, I’ve decided this will actually increase my independence and health and free time.

I haven’t had a housekeeper since Germany, when we had a gal who came four days more or less twice a week and literally saved our bacon and then mine as I was downsizing and sorting to move back home. It will be a change, and it’s taking money that I know many retirees are planning to use as an inflation hedge or add to savings or other, perhaps much smarter things. But this is what I need, and so it will be.

I’ve just begun the work on my 2022 budget so I don’t know if I’ll be giving up anything for this but since this is “extra” money post Medicare B payment it wasn’t actually in the budget. Which by the way is looking good so far. I’ve dropped a few payments, and the only things I’m really seeing immediate inflation concerns and issues for are groceries (I still do a lot of meal and frozen delivery and some cooking and freezing), gas and future travel. My gas and heat increased already but that’s because I’m a warm girl who can live with the air as high as 77 in the summer but needs 70 to 72 during the waking hours, even in Texas.

Where, by the way, it will be 83 on Christmas day, rendering that nice green sweater I got for Christmas day moot.

Oh, and the picture at the top as requested is from the transgendered story time reading at a local brewery/pub/coffee shop (its an old garage that got a cool upgrade). As you can see it was popular and funds and books were raised for the library.


  1. When I first started using a cleaning service about 3-4 years ago I said it was one of the best gifts I ever gave myself and I was giving myself time. What used to take me 3 hours to do what was by then taking me two days of pacing myself. Knees down cleaning should save you some money from a full house cleaning.

  2. Good for you! A bit of help is the right thing to do to stay safe! I make a list of "dangerous" things for my son to do when he comes over: looking up at the ceiling on a ladder makes me dizzy, to change light bulbs or batteries in smoke detector. I've always told patients not to be on a ladder after 50 years old, and took a nursing continuing ed class that explained why our balance mechanisms in our ears get goofy as we age. Much easier to wait than to fall.
    I'd love to attend that cool story time presentation. And there's even youngsters in that audience. Hooray! Linda in Kansas

    1. Oh it was meant for kids and there were s hundred easily. I try not to ask daughter and son in law for help unless the need is dire

  3. I think getting help adds to independence. Getting things done but staying safe means you can do what jobs are easy, while still being able to enjoy activities. No sense working yourself to pain.

    1. Yes I really need to lower my pain level for sure

  4. I think it's really wise to get help whenever we need it. You're actually investing in yourself--trying to avoid pain so you can function well. Merry Christmas!

  5. We've had twice monthly help for several years now and couldn't make it otherwise. Elizabeth, our helper, is from Columbia and just attained citizenship. She is now a very proud American. It's a neat story. Now that you'll have more "project time" , can't wait to see what you'll do with it. Merry Christmas. Joe

    1. Hopefully some extra nap and reading time as well!

  6. I see nothing wrong with hiring someone to clean those areas of your home that you are no longer able to do easily and without pain. (BTW, the tub is the bane of my existence and I don't have chronic pain issues.) Besides it will free up time for more of your creative ventures. Win/win!

  7. This sounds like a great plan and I agree that there is absolutely no sense to increase pain. I'm sure you will figure out how to make it work for you. Enjoy Christmas!

  8. i think it's good for you to get the help you need. I've thought of having a once a month cleaning but not sure if anyone would do that. plus then you won't have to worry about the stuff you can't do and it'll be done.

    1. There are people around here at least who do once a month.

  9. Housecleaning is a necessity these days, although I've been lucky enough to enjoy the help (before I moved in with the family ... now they do all the hard stuff). My sister had twice a week cleaners until pandemic. A lot of my friends here have once a month. I'm an every other week kind of person ... then all I had to do was vacuum the week in between. ENJOY the perk!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Ms. 83!!! You do not look your age!

  10. I think it's a great idea to get some help, Barb! Merry Christmas!

  11. Just want to wish you a Merry Christmas AND a Happy Birthday, Barb!

  12. LOL...I understood it was temperature not age! I cannot bend to dust, but I can reach tops of doors and to corners, too. I cannot because of back do certain things. Then, torn rotator cuffs stop me from doing other things. Hand injuries hamper other activities. It's complicated! We had someone come in for two hours last Sunday, and just the presence and my having to supervise exhausted me. So, I had to cancel this Sunday. When it is all done and shifted to where I need furniture and stuff to be, it will not stress me to the point of exhaustion. I wholly support cleaning help.


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