Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thankful Thursday

While I don't do much social media (including any related to this blog), I am active in multiple Facebook interest groups including a couple for retired women. As a result,  I'm deeply considering starting a group of my own on the topic of budget living in retirement. In theory I need nothing else on my plate. But I could use another project and there seems to be real interest.....

Meanwhile. A few of the many things  I am  thankful for this week:

1. A new president and vice-president  elect!  In spite of the current chaos, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

2. All the wonderful services in my current community, from all sides. The income limits for one person range from 3700 monthly to 1300 monthly for one person (with rent being the same for all. Starting at 950, assuming no other assistance). Because the range is so wide, they offer  a free free food box weekly,  a free mini clinic and a variety of other things-and allow everyone to choose to participate or not. Without all the sometimes embarrassing qualifying question. While I may not see this need ever with my income, it's nice to know it exists and that they care about their residents.  All while they continue to be by far the highest rated senior community in the county, even when compared to the high end, luxury lifestyle condos down the road. 

3.  Zoom. While not a substitute for person to person interaction in the long run, Zoom is keeping me sane. Connecting with old friends, meeting new ones, letting me worship and learn.

4. Milder weather. Some days there is less than ten degrees difference from Denver, and unlike Denver every day is not sunny (there are usually clouds which burn off in the afternoon). But the weather, added to the lower altitude (an issue for me as long as I lived there) and flatter terrain have already improved my attitude, activity and pain levels.

5. Family support from all sides and in all  places, and in so many different ways have made this second relocation and downsizing in ten years a success and allowed me to settle in much more quickly than the first time. If only because I came to a home rather than spending six months trying to find one.

6.  That I have been blessed with gifts and interests allow me to amuse and entertain myself most of the time with ease. Especially when I know so many who are struggling with boredom and ennui and sometimes depression during this long difficult period, including family.

7. The promise of a vaccine some time very soon.  While it still could take up to another year before normal travel and behaviors are back, it's  a light and the end of the tunnel.  And when offered, I will take said vaccine happily and gratefully. Enough said.


  1. Barb, it sounds like you are settling in well.
    I continue to stare at that light at the end of the tunnel.

  2. I agree, amongst all the gloom and doom, we have a lot to be thankful for!

  3. Wonderful things to be thankful for.

  4. Yes. We need LIGHT at the end of all of our tunnels. I would be interested in seeing your new budget! I need to join one of the thrifty sites. I can't imagine living on $30,000 for just me! Share again?

  5. I did the math quick and was woah, how could someone live on $1300 with rent at $950, but potentially if using the services, and maybe qualifying for SNAP, some of the basic needs are being met right off the top of shelter and food, and in a nice environment. You've got a good list of things to be thankful for.

    1. Honestly, I cannot imagine it. For one thing alit if their time must be spent finding free resources. When I first came found that out I was like. Holy ciw. I will never complain about my income ( which pretty much let's me do anything I want to do in life) again.

  6. I am impressed with how quickly you have settled and established some routines. I will agree that zoom does not replace live interactions it has kept me sane also.

    1. I miss my peeps in person
      This move has gone mainly pretty well and I am walking outside daily for now.

  7. Lot Thankful Thursdays. I especially like your #1 and @3.

  8. That senior community sounds really great and would be a comfort to anyone and yes, that light at the end of this long tunnel we've been in is beckoning. Smiling more these days.

  9. Not sure if you will see this coming so late after you posted this, just discovered your blog via "misadventures of Widowhood" could you let me know the names of those budget retirement groups on Facebook? " I could sure use some pointers.

    1. I don't know of any budget retirement grouos, so I am think of starting one. The retirement womens group i was on is called cool retired women and in terms of general frugality I am on a page called the tightwad gazette fan page. Thanks for stopping by!


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