Monday, November 30, 2020

Making It Monday

 Just a quick note to say that I had thought to join SAM and some others in "Blogmass" but realistically blogging every day for me isn't a realistic plan. So instead I'll be doing so on Facebook (link at the side) and Instagram and occasionally linking here! Do note all the people on the sidebar who may be doing so!

So, I just finished changing over my insurance to Texas, AND moving from comprehensive to basic. The car is more than ten years old . It was a tough decision, but with a four thousand dollar trade in value and a  fifteen hundred deductible, it seems the right choice. I can always add comprehensive and collision later one.

I'm now preparing to start a blanket with two strands of yarn that hopefully will go quickly. Unsure if it's for myself or a gift, and a gift for whom, if so. I guess it depends on how long it takes to finish! 

This morning I sat down and made a quick Christmas cover for some pillows. Just a long strip of fabric, with a sewn edge and an an envelope opening. Since it was an experiment with leftover fabric I didn't even bother to change the thread!  I like a full pillow so before I make any more, I'll be adjusting the measurements slightly to see if I can get rid of those "perky" corners. 

Oh, I made another set of cards (I contacted the nursing home to see where I should send all the completed ones and am saving some for card exchanges here and there).  I like the middle tree the best by far, but I really need to get better on my lettering. I actually ordered one set of "word stamp", but they're a little small so I'm going to continue to work on my penmanship and lettering!  My next group are Christmas stockings and since I'm getting really tired of the white background, plan to paint all around them as well. 

I got my advent wreath, but the candles are the wrong size and they fall over. I could try dripping wax in the cups, but I need either smaller holders or bigger candles, trying to decide what to do.

My daughter stopped by and we want to send stocking stuffers and cookies on the eleventh, so I guess it's time to get on the proverbial cookie making stick! Tonight though I am feeling quite lazy, so I pulled out apple chicken sausages to have with instant mashed and whatever else is on hand. Less cooking=happier Barbara.

Tomorrow I get to begin my chocolate and cheese Advent Calendars.


  1. You always make me wish I had a knitting project going but I have to stay on course of downsizing for my future move. You are my role model in how to do that.

  2. Oh my gosh! You have sure been busy. I've always admired the artistic projects of knitters. What looks wonderful. I love the idea of making those festive pillow covers. Hmmm... I have pillows. Now I just have to get fabric.

    1. They were really really easy. I'll put a link in text post.

  3. Oh I love the poinsettia pillows, perky corners and all. The color for the blanket is lovely too. I like all of the Christmas cards and your printing is natural and homey.

    Take care and stay well!

  4. I had the same problem with my Advent candles so wrapped small strips of aluminum foil loosely around the bottom of each candle, stuck the candles in the wreath, and smooshed the aluminum foil down to fill in the gaps. Perfect.

    1. I will try this before I send them back.i was thinking it was that or fabric!

  5. I agree with Maebeme - I just love those pillows. Such beautiful fabric!

    1. The pillows seem to be keepers after all. Off to make some more.

  6. The pillows are lovely. Perky corners and all.

    Love the cards.

    God bless.

  7. Your Christmas pillow covers are nice. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks. I think I like them better after a couple days.


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