Thursday, February 4, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Today is national homemade soup day. No, I'm not going to show you a picture of soup, in spite of that chocolate cake. At least not today. In the normal times I would be spending Wednesdays in Lent having soup suppers and then attending a talk/class or whatever.  Now we are having small group Zooms on Wednesdays and I plan on making a different kind of slow cooker soup each week and sharing the photos and recipes on Wednesdays. I might even start a week early.

Also, I'm participating in a virtual 5K to raise funds for Promise house, which is a place that supports LGBTQ+ kids who are homeless. 5k is something even I can do, maybe evening in a day, depending on my health. I don't normally do this kind of thing or share on here, but in the current circumstances I am doing what I can.

Now, a few things I am thankful for this week, and in general.

1.  Electronic books (and not just for me). I am pretty sure this has been on this list more than once, but many places don't have open libraries still-and purchasing books for an avid reader just won't cut it most of the time. If you can't get books via thrift or in person library rental then the Kindle is a life saver even if you might normally prefer "the feel" For me, I have gone over to the dark side, and between kindle Unlimited and my library, am blessed to have more books of more types than I can ever keep up with!

2.  Good eyesight and great hearing. My body may be imperfect in other ways but I have no aging issues with my eyes except for one small floater including neuropathy and have inherited (as have both my children) the good hearing that is in our genetic code.

3.  Target. Laugh you well may, but they are one of my new favorite stores whereas months ago I would never have used them for groceries of any kind. At least where I live, you can order and get delivered to your trunk (driving through the parking lot), anything that the store sells including groceries. With no minimum. So if I just need milk and juice, I don't have to add up to thirty five dollars of things and or schedule to the next day. The last time I drove through my order consisted of milk and juice and a package of non showing workout socks.

4.  My online Facebook groups. Normally as some of you know, I try to leave social media during at least part of Lent (last year being a pandemic exception) and attempt to limit my online presence at other times.. But in the past week I have been involved in at least one deep and intimate discussion on a book within my reading group,  participated in a zoom knit along on one of my Facebook knitting groups and started following a black crafting/artist's group on Instagram. So this year and this time, I think I'll stay.

5.  My trusty reacher. I have a post coming about all the "safety and no effort" features of my new apartment (like door handles that are not knobs) as well as the "tools" I use around the house. But the reacher, especially has made my life (from unpacking to day to day activity) so much easier in ways I cannot describe. Be it picking up the small paper on the carpet that in normal times would have had to wait for the vacuum or pulling down a small item from the top of my cabinets. It has saved my life and the need to call for someone taller or more bendable more than I can say

What large or small things are you thankful for this week?



  1. I did not know that Target sold groceries. I've always liked that store over Walmart or Kmart. Haven't been to any of them since the pandemic started last March. Amazon delivery works great for me.

    I have three reachers---bedroom closet, kitchen and basement---and wish I had a fourth for the car.

    1. Oh goodness. Well I am all on one floor so easier.

  2. I think e-readers are the best thing that has happened in a long long time. I can go to sleep reading without keeping TheHub awake, plus like you I subscribe to Kindle Unlimited and my reading choices are vast.

  3. We love our reachers. Tommy has one by his chair and one in the kitchen. He does pick up trash with it, even tiny little pieces of stuff on the floor and cans of food in the kitchen. They are his, but I can use, which I rarely do.

    I am grateful for my new dishwasher!

  4. Definitely things to be thankful for.

  5. Lots of small things, phone calls from friends, Facebook to keep in touch with those that are farther away, and being able to go for walks when the weather is nice.

    God bless.

  6. I'm thankful to be retired so that I don't have to go out in the cold unless I want to, a warm and comfortable home, and the ability to keep busy at things I enjoy.

    Take care, stay well!

  7. Good list. I'm thankful for Zoom, for sure, and for my mostly-good health ... and for the Covid vaccine if it ever gets to me.

  8. Really nice list! I have been good, but thinking of chocolate cake!


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