Monday, December 21, 2020

Monday Musings: The Budget, Christmas Week, a Reader Question and Other Stuff.

 Wow, it's been a week and I really have no excuse. I mean, as always I keep myself busy, but it's not like I've been out of the house running around and carrying on.

In fact, I unfortunately have to go out tomorrow for the first time. Our community hair dresser is off, and I don't think I can wait to get my hair cut (the clippers no longer work when there's no one around to do my nape for me and all that). Add that to the fact that my son in law is getting booze for Christmas and a real trip, walking into a couple stores, is a requirement. Then I can come back into my little cave until Christmas Eve.

My church is having a special service tonight called the longest night, both to "celebrate" the solstice and to lament everything we have lost in the past year. Would have liked to go, but was in the middle of a project. Besides, after today the days can only get longer and the nights shorter, no?

I decided not to make any more Christmas sugar cookies other than the ones I sent north. This will be the first time I haven't had them myself with my eggs on Christmas morning but it's possibly time for a change and next year I'll teach my son to make them himself. I still might change my mind, but i can always make them for winter (snowflakes) or Valentines or whatever. I like the decorating and eating, tis the rolling out and cutting that get's me. I will do some baking, and I know that my daughter will have white chocolate macadamia nut cookies at her place, which will keep me going along with the sand tarts I'll make today or tomorrow.

Still fine tuning the budget over here, as we move to 2021. I want to be able to buy for the food bank, and do some other things-and to supplement my daughter visits with fluff and fold.  That and the church and increased fabric and yarn allowance at  least at the beginning of the year. Hopefully the things I am NOT doing due to Covid like no entertainment and a lack of travel (although I do have a decidated travel fund) will keep me on the keel I had before. i mean I still down't know how much travel will happen this year, and I expect one long road trip will be it, but who knows.

Meanwhile, today I went online and placed a large fabric order(just sitting in the cart waiting for me to be sure of my choices and then click), and I now need to do the same with yarn. My creative goals in January include one quilt, one large finished knitted item and a mini quilt at a minimum and all require things not on hand. Besides I need to re establish my stash which never got to the levels it was in Texas the first  time.

Other than my foray tomorrow morning, my schedules remains the same as always until Thursday afternoon: Outside walking and and yoga (good thing I'm allowing myself a full year to get to the hour mark), knitting and sewing and reading and a new show, and the general dabbling of life. And Christmas chocoalte, and Christmas baking ( sugar cookies aside).

Now for my reader question: I have a four hundred dollar gift card which will either go to a laptop (plus some other cash) or a bigger TV and some $150 walking shoes.  I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on your Windows laptop if you have one, how long you've had it, how it performs and so on. I will do my due dilligence, but I'm looking in the fourteen to fifteen inch range and want to hear from people what they use. 

Oh, and while you may love your Mac, please do not suggest one to me. Not even a try it, you'll like it. I'm only looking for a Windows product-it's nothing personal and yes, I know real graphics types always prefer them. But I am not interested in a Mac, IMac, or anything similar. Just as I don't use Iphones, ever. 

And now, she said, I should probably get some pre-bedtime knitting accomplished.


  1. I have an HP Pavilion and love it. I had three Dell laptops before, and I really prefer HP. My desktops were HP. Find what you want and wait for it to go on sale. I found a sale that had a $150 reduction and got a better laptop for less. I bought at Office Depot, but Best Buy is where I have shopped before, too.

  2. I had a Toshiba laptop for about 5-6 years. About 18 months ago my technical consultant (aka, son-in-law) researched for me and I now have a Dell. I've liked both brands but depended on his knowledge of the innards for the purchase. One thing he did suggest and I'm so happy I listened to was to go from a 15" to a 17". I enjoy the larger screen. One of the important functions for me is to have a number pad. Plus he can remote in from Florida to my laptop in California if and when there are any issues. You need to be comfortable with how the keyboard feels to you. Good luck! I enjoy your blog.

    1. I could end up going to a seventeen, we will see for sure. And I will be having son help me as well.

  3. I think a lot of us stick to what we know and/or learned on when it comes to computer systems. I've used Dells for years and I have no desire to have to learn my way around the world of MACs. I have both a desktop and a laptop. The laptop is a backup and I've had it for 15 (?) years. The desktop is 6-7 years This is my second Dell laptop and my second Dell desktop and I've been using computers since the mid-90s. I have a 20 inch monitor and curved keyboard, neither of which I'm willing to give up for the convenience of the laptop.

    My biggest complaint about the laptop is about once a year one of Window's does on of their famous updates and it knocks out something like the drivers to my printer or mouse. I just got my laptop back from the shop where for $30 they downloaded my mouse software. Usually I can replace my own drivers but this time I just couldn't figure out the right one to download so I wasn't willing to take a chance of doing the wrong one.

    1. Good to know. I'll be getting a large screen laptop and have a curved keyboard to go with. I gave up the desktop and tower years ago cause I can get everything it has with my laptop and not one to commit to a "desk" as such..I agree its what you are used to. Also since I have everything else Android its easier to sync stuff thru gmail....time to keep my eye out and do my research.

  4. Have a great time but stay safe on your outing.
    I currently have a Mac but used to have a HP laptop and really did like it

    1. I'm thinking about cutting my hair and having daughter do the napeordering in the booze, lol. As for Christmas I've bern stepping out to them every 2 weeks and livedcwith them a week.....

  5. You had me at cookies.


  6. I've had several HPs over the years, it's what we had at work and I stuck with them as they are familiar. However, I've more recently had an issue with the current one because all of the Windows updates don't always get pushed out - I learned from a conversation with a tech and a lengthy process to get everything dealt with. It's now been set up so those updates will happen automatically. I've always bought from Staples - my daughter worked there and got a discount.

    Good luck with your research. Looking forward to seeing your new projects. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2021.

    1. Thanks. I'm in no rush as my tablet and keyboard work fine right now. So I'll take my time.

  7. Love my Dell. Latitude 3390 2 in 1. It's a touchscreen which I love. I can flip the screen completely around and use like a tablet if desired. I do have a large screen, docking station and wireless keyboard for when I want to sit at a desk.

    I can't say enough how happy I am with this piece.

  8. Barb,
    I'd love to try your sand tarts! I'm not much help with the laptop since I use a MacBook Pro, but I do have a Dell desktop. I can add something to think about. I bought a "certified renewed" MacBook (2018 model) from Amazon and saved hundreds over buying new. I've had it for several months now and no issues at all. I don't know if they offer the same for Windows laptops, but it's well worth checking out. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Joe

    1. I think they do and ill certainly research that as I am in no hurry.

  9. I don't use anything Apple/Mac. I really don't know why, just I am used to Windows products. I have an Asus laptop right now and for the most part really like it. I had a Lenovo for years and liked that as well.

    God bless.

    1. I think its because I've always used Samsung rather than I phone. I have a working tablet with keyboard so can take time re the laptop.

  10. I have a Lenovo Ideapad, which you can use as either a laptop or a touchpad, It works well. The only thing I will do differently next time is go as lightweight as possible, to make schlepping it around easier.

  11. Sandtarts...oh, those are so delicious and I haven't had them since I was a young girl. My mom had my grandma's recipe (Dad's mom) and he wanted them sliced very thin like his mom made them. I have the recipe but have never made them. Diane

    1. So I guess there is a sand tart cookie. But these are actually literally tarts. Shells filled with a mixture of butter, sugar and eggs...

  12. Hi - had to replace my laptop last year when I dropped a heavy object on top of it (long story of a stupid move on my part). I went for a cheaper model than the HP I had previously. Don't do it! Spend the money. I did not think I needed the top numbers of things for "gaming" and whatever. So my new lap top is slow. Very slow. Slow to load pages, slower than I can think. I did without a touch screen. A touch screen is terrific for enlarging. If you look at a craft pattern or even a photo and want to enlarge it - the touch screen is the way to go! A month in I started a "sub" account at my credit union and started banking for a replacement computer. Spend the money. You will not regret it in the long run. I think I spend 239 on the computer and 150 on Word. Then paid over 100 (I can't remember) to the Geek Squad to copy the files on my new computer. That was a boat load of money on something I was not satisfied with. For about $100 more I could have had what I wanted and needed.

  13. I have no computer suggestions since this old Dell PC is older than all of my Adult Grandchildren! But I know how to use it and I just go online for Blogging, Book of Faces and E-Bay... so... good luck with finding the best Laptop!

  14. I have a MacBook Air but I was having such a hard time getting used to it that my son-in-law installed dual booting with a Windows program since that's what I have on my desktop. My brain just couldn't adjust. My son then said it was crazy since I paid so much for the MacBook. I told him it's no good if my brain can't adjust. Anyway, next time I get a laptop, I'm getting something with Windows on it.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from others, and I also love to hear all points of view.. Just leave the profanity and insults at home, OK? Thanks!!