Monday, October 28, 2019

Snowed in (sorta) and My Semi Monthly Big Shop

If it's Monday, it must be Colorado. On Saturday night I went to a dinner in the foothills, to discuss the goals for my church in the next year. We have some ambitious plans, and although I don't talk about it much here, there will be a ( really not religious)post coming in the future about our possibly overreaching outreach goals and my trying to find a comfortable place in church and charity giving in retirement.

Anyhoo, when I headed to dinner it was eighty degrees. As I headed down the hill home it had cooled some, but nothing terribly out of the ordinary. Sunday was again a different story, as I woke up to freezing weather and snow-which continued overnight and into this morning, giving us somewhere around four or so inches. This morning things were still a mess, but now the sun has come out-although it is still only 21 degrees F and the snow is supposed to continue tomorrow into Wednesday before clearing. And then warm up again, but not up to the eighties, rather hanging between fifty and seventy and sunny for the next couple of weeks. Which is nice fall weather-and maketh me happy.

Joyfully retired and thankful I CAN stay home when I choose,  did "church" at home yesterday, worked on some projects and threw a gigantic mixture of vegetables and some meat into the large slow cooker in order to make minestrone. I also threw some herb biscuits into the oven that I had from Schwan's. Someone else grabbed the big size of herb deli chicken on their way home the other day so even without accessing the huge freezer we are well taken care of if I stay home until Wednesday or Thursday-although tomorrow I will need to do a seriously intense house walk. Today and yesterday I have taken a break. While it looks beautiful out there at 21 degress there is way too much ice still on the ground for this klutz.

I am that type of gal who has no problem keeping herself busy at home-although I am sorry we had to cancel coffee this morning and probably will need to force myself outside into the sun at least in the back yard.  The knit poncho keeps growing slowly, as does progress on the Christmas coaster "small gifts". This morning I finished the newest Catherine Coulter book and thanks to the library and my Kindle Unlimited subscription, I have plenty of fiction and non fiction reading on the ole Kindle. 

That's Catherine up on the left corner, as well as the previous Harry Bosch novel.

Add some writing and possibly some television (either Prodigal Son or Catherine the Great I expect) and normal household stuff and I have plenty to keep me going around here. Until the end of the week when I have knitting if the weather clears in time and then a coffee and conversation morning and a happy hour and and a knitting group field trip to a gigantic holiday craft fair on Saturday.  

I did get my planned spending for this the first half of the month out of the way. I have yet to push the buttons because I probably won't be going out to pickup until later in the week and I want to be home on two day delivery day, but the orders are ready, the plans have been made and the planned spending is set through mid month or sooner (scroll to the bottom) My mid- month shopping generally occurs either on the fifteenth or on the day of the SS Payment which as we all know is a moving target-mine falling on the second week. This month that week is a little early so I'll just even up the groceries later!

Speaking of the frugal (or not) food budget.....I'll be doing some experimentation the next couple of months. My local meat market has a variety of "bundles" with everything from steaks to cooked meal bundles, to one called the "fall harvest bundle" right now. It's one of those things I keep thinking about and just have never taken that final step. This week though, we'll be ordering the "fall harvest option". My grocery order just has regular groceries and the stuff needed to make lasagna soup and beef stew. Other than that, I'll be filling in with stuff from the list below, and from that freezer list-with some stuff being added to the freezer. I'm still working on whether to make Italian sandwiches from the chuck or to go with good ole fashioned pot roast.  

And guess what?   I just got a text letting me know we have a storm warning from tomorrow morning to noon on Wednesday. Good thing I have everything needed to eat, drink and be merry, I guess!!

Barb's shopping/spending list Part 1-First Part of November. 

I am not doing this to be no spend as such, and will allow for special occasional deals in my inbox, a special deal on a Christmas gift or other things. My goal is simply to get all this stuff out of the way and leave room for life the rest of the month. We'll see how it goes. 

I'll be sharing any spending beyond in my weekly Frugal Friday posts, as well as what we've eaten starting now. Food budget is for two retired adults who like to eat well (read coffee, wine, chocolate, lamb and seafood) and a thirty year old who only eats breakfast and two days a week at home, Someone else does occasionally shop and cook once and rarely twice a week.

Grocery Pickup Order $121 minus produce

Meat order $99 (these two take well over what half my grocery budget is but if we like the meat, and especially the meals we will slowly start buying them to add to the inventory).

Clothing purchased $ 75 (heavy cardigan  and regular sweaters which seem to be in short supply in thrift stores, consignment stores and not on clearance as of yet)

Amazon order $70  (Headphones, my first watch since the millennium since I've given up my Fitbit, and a keyboard for this tablet. The current one lasted two years. The keyboard is a surprise need as the whole numbers layer has basically already stopped working, the headphones are a need, and the watch is really a want I suppose since I have a phone with me all the time.). Edit:  I added two microwave plate covers and four bowl hot pads that were on my list for those darned hot instant oatmeal bowls.

Prescriptions $24 (for 90 days of four scrips. Thank you Medicare Advantage Plan)

Filling the tank $45 (The disadvantage to having a 6 CYL SUV is that it has a really big tank. It's also the advantage. I can drive from here to Dallas with one refill and not be empty).

Entertainment until and including 10 Nov $100 pulled out in cash. (I expect this spending to be less because I have movie gift cards for the two movies on my list and I really only drink with no food ordering during happy hour, but that craft sale may suck me in ....... entertainment includes meals out, movies, any other aumusement and purchases for books from Amazon which is rare. This will increase a bit as we get closer to the holidays)

Haircut $20 (The advantage of short hair is it takes five minutes to cut even with shaping. The disadvantage is it has to be done every four weeks minimum).

Health spending $40 (I'm including all Bill's and spending beyond monthly bills for now. This is the out of network urgent care bill for tearing the earache from hell. I pay Bill's twice a year at my desk. Not when they come in.)

There you are....what do ya think?


  1. We just got our first snow overnight here in Edmonton. Not too bad, just enough to make everything white. It didn't stop me from going to tai chi this morning though!

    1. I wont be going out for today again I might make it on Wednesday..

  2. I priced out that meat package and for 2 of us we would get at at least 30 meals out of it which brings the price to $3 or so per meal! What a deal. Veggies and a starch don't add much to the price. We eat at least 3 plant based meals per week too.. so wow that woud last me a long time.. I should look into our local butchers..i prefer to eat the healthiest no antibiotics,etc meat when I do cook it!

    HOME: I can spend days on end here.. I have a hobby room, piles of books, art projects galore, a huge kitchen and COOKING is one of my hobbies. I have 3 r4ally good friends right on my block and we do coffee,happy hours, on our own back patios,often, I am a homebody. I do go out for an art studio meetup once a week, a grocery sho once a week, a date with Ken at least once a week, and a hike, I get out.. but some weeks I love to just BE HOME MORE.

    You look beautiful in the wedding's a great family photo

    1. Yes I think it's very reasonable. I have homebody days and blunt days although admittedly cooking is not a hobby other than the occasional baked good.

  3. The wedding photo is so nice. I love the color coordination of the dresses:)

  4. Love the wedding photo - that soft colour is really flattering on you. Thanks for showing us. Ditto the staying at home - there's so much to do here and when my husbands at work I have two lovely dogs for company. Weathers turning much colder here in England but we don't often get snow in the south. Time for log fires and hot chocolate.

    1. Yes the dogs will keep me company today and probably join me for a nap since I got up at five. Time to up the heat.

  5. I love LOVE your dress for the wedding. Your daughter sure looks happy.

    I hate the idea of snow coming but at least where you're at the sun often burns it off by noon. Here, that doesn't happen, it just keeps accumulating until you can't see pas the piles along the road until the January thaw comes for a few days before we're back to winter again.

    When you say your grocery pick up was $112 does that include things like tooth paste, toilet paper and other non-grocery items? I often spend $100-$125 and I'm just buying for one person...but that includes the non-grocery stuff.

    1. Today it wont burn it off because its going through to tomorrow but yes, the sun was out yesterday. and it will be out tomorrow afternoon and so snow almost never just "hangs for more than a few days. Today it's degrees and so icy I daren't go out back even to shovel the porch for the dogs. They are liable to poop right outside the dooar ans so be it. The $112 was before I added some produce and did include facial wipes and tooth brush and all that other good stuff including body wash!

  6. You look lovely Barbara!!
    But I can't do that yet. NO!

  7. But see. it will go away and then when you are buried in January I will get to wear shorts about a third of the time, lol. Thank you, I do love the dress.

  8. The wedding photo is lovely!

    I think I ought to consider ordering on-line because although my list only contained 4 items this morning, I ended up with a couple more as I wandered around the store. Good luck with the meat package.

    1. I'll let you know. I actually may try amazon fresh free delivery to the door this month. I'm still wavering.

  9. This reminds me of the first time I visited Denver. It snowed. In June. But it seems like you're ready for anything!

  10. Lovely picture...happy smiles!!

    We've had some flakes and frost, but still warm enough to not last! Enjoying the autumn weather while it's here!

    I've thought more about online shopping lately, esp in the winter...if our winter repeats the ones of the last two years, I may seriously consider it :)

  11. Barb: Ditto the comments on the photos - and must say I would be deliriously happy with an expense forecast like yours! Here in suburban Philly it's easily 2X for the items referenced. Good work!

    1. In all fairness those pices are based on loss leader prices and end of season discunt....


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