Friday, October 27, 2017

Six Frugal Things-And a Quick Question

For those who have been following my "British Crime Show" explorations, I finished Shetland this week and I gotta tell you all I loved this show. I don't know that it's the best I watched, but I was hooked. Although I cannot imagine living, or even visiting somewhere that far north, I liked everything about it. I do have to say, without giving it away for those who have not seen it that at the end of the last season I was saying to myself, "What's wrong with you, dude?  Of course it's (fill in the blank), pay attention already". But I'm one of those obnoxious types who figured out Girl on the Train somewhere in the middle.  

I'm going to try to jump back into my Sunday Summary posts again, and I'll share more about this later, but I've been experimenting with Mexican Chocolate cakes (with cayenne and cinnamon) and Choco-Flan cakes (for a post-Halloween Day of the Dead type fundraising dinner). Let's just say the first is difficult to do when you are not a "hot/spicy" type, but I'll get it yet. 

Meanwhile, a few frugal endeavours at Chez Barb this week.

1. With the exception of homemade lasagna (not made by me) last night, we will have managed to eat at home all week with only the purchase of the basics (milk, juice, salad stuff and fruit) because we had frozen leftovers and things on hand. In fact, we're ahead enough that I feel comfortable only buying loss leaders (stuff on deep sale) and eating what we have with the exception of a few things. In addition I deserve many gold stars because the one time I did run into the store, I saw they had dairy eggnog-and bought none. You have to know me to appreciate this. I am an eggnog, custard, flan. creme caramel type girl (eggs and sugar, man. And on occasion, caramel). I often thin this with one percent milk and make it my personal "instant breakfast". But today, no way!

2.  My book club meets at Panera once a month for breakfast/lunch (depending on the body clock of the attendees). Recently had a special sale where they were giving extra Swagbucks on a gift card purchase, so I earned five dollars back on a $25 gift card. I also entered the card on the app and payed by the app, earning rewards. And last but not least, when I got up to he counter, the young lady said "You have a free birthday pastry coming, would you like that now?". Of course I want a free pastry! And for extra points, she didn't call me dear, honey, or sweetie.

3. After doing a serious inventory of my bedroom and all it's possessions I have a short list of the things I need: socks, fuzzy socks, a pair of boots (four years in Colorado and I have yet to purchase boots), silky t-shirts in bright colors for layering under the clothing I already have and so on. After making said list, my intent is to buy NOTHING that's not on it. And whenever possible, to buy those things either on sale, gently used or both. I've also put all of these  on my Amazon wish list/ideas for offspring and secret Santa ideas, as most of them are not expensive. Next, to do the same in the office/studio!

4. I am seriously making the attempt to keep the heat between 70 or 71 on the coldest days. Those of you who are 68 degree types, please don't judge me too harshly. I experience significant pain and cold when I am sitting and it's below 70 and two of my activities are quilting and writing-both seated pursuits. And because of my knee scars, multiple layers hurt the knees, if you get my drift. My norm is a good 72 to 74 on the very coldest days, and 67 at night. So hey, I'm making progress.  

Not the best photo, but you can see how soft the screen is, and I have it like this from ten pm to six am.

5. I have a smart phone, and I have an I-pad sized tablet (Samsung, I don't do Apple) which I keep in my office and treat as a laptop-it's permanently attached to a keyboard. I recently added a Kindle fire (bought on Amazon day) and smaller tablet (free but ten dollars a month) and was wondering if they were justified, or if I'd fallen victim to the "gotta have it" syndrome. I'm now also doing passive money earning tasks on my smaller tablet as well as using it for meetings and so on, so it's more than paying for itself. It seems all those phone apps that I use to make money can also be downloaded to the small tablet. And the discovery of the "blue shade" on the Kindle fire has just made my day-and made me so happy I chose it over a Paperwhite. I've increased my passive income already and I'm working on fine tuning it more. So these purchases have been a win-win for me. 

A quick screen shot of a mystery shop type thing I could have done while I was out shopping.

6. Remember that summer goal of making all the fabric remnants in my house into gifts or things to sell? Well I was too busy sitting in the yard and reading then, but I've begun putting my Christmas scraps to good use by making coasters and candle mats and the like for family gifts and for the group gifts for my knitting, reading groups and so on. This falls under better late than never.

I swear next week I will have some kind of post on the passive apps and survey and mystery shopping apps I know and (sometimes) love, by Tuesday at the latest.

As for the question, this is mainly addressed to soup maker types, but feel free to chime in. I have a large Kitchen Aid and a good blender. I don't have either a portable mixer or an immersible blender. The blender is working on the smooth soup front, but it's messy, and I'm the un-coordinated type with a weak hand who someday will probably manage to spill hot soup. Does the immersible blender really work? Would I be better with a portable mixer? Or should I just become more adept at using my good ole blender and not add another appliance to my kitchen?

Meanwhile what about you all? Any frugal wins (or losses) this week?


  1. I have a Vitamix blender which I used to blend veggies once cooked and make creamy soups. I can also use it to make soup right in but never do. I'm not sure why but because I put hot soup in the blender and mush it up I know what you mean about potentially burning oneself. I always use a towel and cover over the top of the blender as well as stand back in case anything splatters. If I were you I would likely by an immersible blender if soups are your thing. In fact, an immersible blender is on my list for a some day purchase. I suggest doing a consumer review of those you might interested in before buying keep eyes open for a sale. These kind of things are always going on sale.

    1. I think this is definitey going on the Christmas list. I dont make a great many "smooth" soups, but when I do, I like em smooth. Ad I can also use it for drinks and such.

    2. Exactly. That's my plan too. I'm partial to kitchen aid but don't know if their immersion blender is good. If not, there are other excellent ones on the market.

  2. How did I live without an immersion for so many years? Wish I had it when the kids were little. The Braun is the one well loved in our house. We got all the attachments, but only use the blender itself. No more burning myself transferring it to blend or blending too early in the recipe. I am not the most coordinated and it works fine for me- you don't need to apply pressure.

    1. The two I have been looking at are Braun and Cuisinart so far. I am also not the most coordinated. Enjoyed your back pack article by the way. I am the opposite-I want it all checked except for my moderately large purse.

  3. I am not one to buy a ton of appliances..all my friends are running out for the Hot Pot but I can't see why--my trusty crock pot and my hand mixer and my food processor are my kitchen workhorses.HOWEVER.. our son left behind an immersion belnder when he moved and we use it like crazy!! I use it mostly to blend soups right in the pot.. I use Le Creuset pots so can't hurt the interior--my husband makes a morning smoothie with it.I LOVE IT.. makes my soup making much safer and easy.. GET ONE!! That said--am anxiously awaiting a post about passive income using apps..I have a spare computer sitting doing nothing so it could be earning me some coffee shop money!!

    1. Yea, what is it about that Hot Pot thing anyway? I tend to be wary of things that have too many multiple uses. I also dont generlly worry about hurting the pot, and I was also thinking that I could use it for beverages (ie the homemade version of the eggnog above)

      I've decided to make Friday articles on cutting money and earning money and fit in the five frugal things on occasion-it's easier for me to talk alot about one thing. Do be sure to get the Starbucks app if that's where you go (assuming you have a smart phone) they have a serious rewards program.

  4. I loved Shetland! Try reading the books by Anne Cleeves. The show was quite different from the books but they do explain Perez better.

    1. Thanks, I may try that, at least the first one. I did find it interesting that the first series were each just a couple shows and then the final one had like six episodes.

  5. I make soup weekly in the winter and don't use any of the appliances you mentioned. I guess I just like lumpy soups. I hope I don't get bit by the "gotta have it bug" reading your blog. LOL

    1. Honestly, most of my gotta have its go on my amazon wish list and somehow arrive on Mothers Day, Christmas or Birthday-my kids are the type who would rther get me things I need than "fluff", thank heavens. On things like baked potato, tomato or broccoli cheese soups, I admit I prefer them prett smooth. Others, I'm not quite so bad about.

    2. Jean R,
      I love lumpy soup, too.

  6. Absolutely the best item to "cream" your soup is an immersion or stick blender. I use to try to mash my soups and was never pleased with the results. One time with the stick blender and I was sold. Best advise is not to use it with a "non stick" finish as even if you you are careful it can hit the bottom and leave a nasty mark. I always use a stainless pot and just love how silky smooth my soups are. It's worth the investment. Mine was under $20.

  7. I too cannot take getting cold. It hurts something awful. I think my thermostat broke when I developed RA. As for the scar thing, I could not even have a sheet on the surgery scar on my foot for over a year. What is is with sensitive skin people. I do have a high pain tolerance, these things aggravate me.

  8. Thank goodness for no "sweetie, dear or honey." I hate that. I cannot wear anything but knit on my knees since injuries. Anything tight hurts so much. I have a high pain tolerance, but it hurts to have the constant pressure on my knees. I have been considering and immersion blender.

    I cannot wait to hear about the passive income things.

  9. I have an immersion blender that I got with points for doing surveys. I love it. Well once I got used to using it instead of hauling out the blender.

    I have our heat at about 70 and won't go any lower. Like you I have pains in various joints after sitting for any length of time when I have the temperature colder.

    Great frugal saves there Barb.

    God bless.

  10. I agree on the immersion blender - easy to use and easier to clean (I run it in a cup of hot water and dish soap). I do think adding and removing the different 'ends' is a challenge for anyone with arthritis and I actually leave the one attachment I use all the time attached. Rarely use the others. If that is a problem for you, test one in a store even if you are inclined to buy online.

    Off topic, but would you share the secret shopper app you use? Thanks in a advance, Jo, Denver


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