Saturday, December 13, 2014

And The Blog-It is A-Changing!

Folks, I know it’s been awhile and I apologize. I have not disappeared off  the earth or left blogging.

What I have done is spent some serious time contemplating the direction of this blog. Awhile back I mentioned that I planned to move in a slightly new direction. I am a retiree, and a frugal retiree, but that is not all I am. In fact, that is not even MAINLY what and who I am.  I'm a person who just happens to be retired(partially) on a limited income.

More importantly, I am a traveler, quilter, cook, writer, explorer, artist, mom, picture taker, student, and more other things things than I can count. To that end, this blog will move to the direction of sharing all of those things, within some kind of retirement and frugality framework.

What does that look like? I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I believe we will all be finding out soon. I do know that it involves more pictures, more personal experiences and more stories. While I'm not in love with the phrase lifestyle blog as such, this blog will become about a lifestyle-mine. One which just happens to have retirement and fixed income living as a backdrop. It will not be a “retirement blog”as such. Hopefully old readers will come along, and new friends will join.

For the moment at least, Living Richly In Retirement is still an appropriate header, and Frugal Texas Gal is who I am, I suppose, even in beautiful Colorado. 

I may be removing some old content, but I will keep the most highly visible posts as well as those that are relevant. I also may add a Facebook page to the mix - what do you think (I'll probably be removing the quilting page that I have not updated in awhile)?

Please come along and visit often, as I will post three times a week, with a variety of themes. Coming next, my Christmas fails and successes on the handmade and baking front, and a reader question, as well as my possible future in metal work and woodworking.

Thanks for stopping by, and keep looking!!


  1. Hey Barb, I have missed seeing you. Glad it wasn't a computer failure that kept you off, and glad that you are still going to be posting......

    God bless.

    1. Yep, I thought about changing blogs, or multiple blogs, but this is where I hang my hat, so here we go

  2. Good luck on the expanded theme for the blog Barb. It will be interesting to see an expanded you. :)

    1. Thanks, it will be interesting for me, as well

  3. We all look forward to your new journey ...

    1. Me too. My daughter got an amazon box and opened it today. It was NOT for someone else, lol

  4. I like your blog regardless of topic.

  5. You go, girl! I'll look forward to all the new topics.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from others, and I also love to hear all points of view.. Just leave the profanity and insults at home, OK? Thanks!!