Saturday, July 27, 2013

Making Some Changes

I am an early retiree who lives on a fixed income. I am also an artist and crafter. I'm a cook who enjoys experimenting with recipes. I'm a traveler. I'm into home decorating and improvement, especially in my new circumstances.  I enjoy reading. I have two part time businesses which I enjoy.  The list goes on.

Lately, I have been having some blogging identity problems.  I realize that I don't want to be defined as "being retired".  I also don't want to blog just about retirement-living richly or otherwise. In the past, I've considered starting a quilt and craft related blog separate from this one, but that really hasn't seemed like a good solution for me.

I do know that few bloggers have multiple bogs, for example one about travel alone and one about their home life.  I don't think that's for me though, mainly as I divide my life among many areas. I don't spend a great majority of time doing one single thing, for example.

The end result is that readers will slowly see changes on this blog.  My goal is to make this more of a "lifestyle" blog (for lack of a better phrase) and less of a retirement blog. Obviously, all articles will be written from the perspective of my fixed income retirement, but that will not be the emphasis of most of the articles.  While  there will occasionally be blog posts about purely retirement issues, most will not be so.  Instead, I'll be writing about quilting, crafting, and food (including recipes and tutorials once in awhile. I plan to write more articles about travel (past, present and future).  I'll share more of the day to day with my life.

Those readers who enjoy learning about fixed income retirement, or single retirement will still be able to do so-it will just be shared in the context of all the other things in my life, rather than a separate adventure. For example, as I write about my gourmet cooking lessons and semi expensive hobbies, I'll also share the tricks I use to afford those things within my financial limitations.

For now I've decided to keep the title "Living Richly In Retirement" as I think the title is a good fit.  Look for changes in terms of style, tabs and stuff on the side as I explore this new journey-and continue to live richly in retirement!

And as always, please comment and comment often!


  1. Perfect, Barb! :) I always enjoy your posts, regardless of our age difference!

  2. I don't know how anyone can produce two blogs. I can barely keep up with one. But I think it's a good thing for a blog to expand and evolve, to reflect the changing interests of the writer and the readers.

    1. Thanks, Tom. Yes, I imagine two blogs would be too time consuming for me. I already have facebok pages for both businesses and that is an experience in itself.

  3. I'm glad you are keeping your blog title because it really fits you. You are retired--pretty much--and you do live a very rich life. Plus Im glad you talk about all kinds of things on your blog--it makes for diverse, interesting reading!

    1. Yes, I think the name will work. I'll just be talking about een more things!

  4. I enjoy your blogs no matter what you write about. Your a great writer and have so much wisdom and just are so involved in a variety of things. I desire a lifestyle like you have. Dee

  5. I have had the same thoughts about my blog--it has a little bit of so many of my scattered interests. I recently started reading and enjoying your blog!!

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying it. scattered interests is a wonderful phrase.

  6. Change is wonderful! Change gives a new perspective on everything and I think it is a wonderful thing to put a new tilt on things. Take care

    1. Thanks Jeanette, I've certain experienced my share of change lately and I'll get to talk about that as well.

  7. I'm doing that with my blog also. It's "all about me", whatever I'm doing at the moment. Being retired provides me the time, but that's about it. Everything else is real life.

  8. I agree.
    Your blog is just interesting.
    Keep it moving in what ever direction you see fit!
    I've enjoyed the move, the business and the friendships.
    Glad you are willing to share so much.

  9. Your blog is great and I'm so glad I found it. I had hoped that you would expound more on your various endeavors and adventures, and now I see you will. I found myself 'retired' earlier than I had anticipated and am making adjustments as well. We have many interests in common, and change cannot be avoided if you are to stay engaged in life, retired or not, so let the change begin.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from others, and I also love to hear all points of view.. Just leave the profanity and insults at home, OK? Thanks!!