Saturday, December 29, 2012

Single and Sick............

In the past, I've talked on this blog about being more prepared and independent in retirement (or any time really).  It's not about prepping for the end of the world as we know it. It has to do with being prepared for all the little emergencies-loss of power, being locked in by a snowstorm, having the fiscal cliff or another issue impact my benefits.....the list of little nuisances can be quite long.

Today is a perfect example of one of those unique situations. I went to bed last night with slight sore throat and a minor cough and woke up with a full blown cold and fever. My temperature is 99 after taking two aspirin. Obviously I will live, I just need to medicate and pamper myself.

 Unfortunately though, I have not been on the ball in terms of stocking up and seeing my home is well supplied. I had to send my ever patient college student out to buy Vick's rub, cough syrup, a thermometer (where did that thing go?) and tomato soup.  Sounds like a minor issue, yes?  Here's the thing though-what if he had not been here.  What if, as often happens in couples and families, we both got the post Christmas crud together?  Although I am sitting up and typing (hopefully legibly), I am certainly in no condition to hop into the car and go to CVS or Kroger.  While in an extreme issue I could contact a friend or my church, I hate to spread my germs around for what I hope is a 24 or 48 hour cold bug. 

On the other hand, there are advantages to having the crud and being alone. I don't have to tell any one not to talk to me and just go away. I also don't have to wait on a sick spouse who thinks that a cold is the end of the world (please don't shoot me fellas, but some generalizations are fairly earned).  I get to hunker down in my least attractive but warm PJ's, slather myself with Vick's Vapor Rub, and watch totally mindless drivel with no interruption. No one cares if my hair sticks up all over the place.

In all fairness, this is not just a single issue. I well remember when my husband was traveling and both children and I were sicker than dogs. Many is a mother who has had multiply sick children and no way to leave them.

As for the cold supplies?  This is one of those examples of when small families or singles SHOULD stock up, perhaps. Traditionally, I keep a well stock pantry and I even have a first aid kit in my car.  Lately that has obviously not been the case.  In between sleeping and watching one of fifty bowl games, I'll be making a master list of cold supplies and first aid items.  I'll also be making sure that other comfort items are stocked up. As always, I'll wait till the items are at loss leader prices, or free after coupons.

Meanwhile,I have my television, books, dogs, and of course my menthol rub. I had planned to go to a real in the movie theater movie today,but that will obviously need to be some other day.  And now, for a little nap.......................


  1. I guess we all have it right now! :( Feel better soon, Barb!!

  2. Sorry you're down. But the leisure being thrust upon you sounds kind of nice. No need to look decent, no need to be kind and thoughtful of housemates.

  3. hope you feel better soon, seems to be a lot of illness going round at the moment

  4. Feel better soon...but you could not have chosen a better football weekend to be under the weather.

  5. Sorry your feeling bad, hope with lots of fluids and some good ball games you will be back on your feet in no time!! You have reminded me I better check on our over the counter cold meds. Nothing better than having what you need on hand

  6. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Barb!! I hope you feel better soon! Actually, I need to be better prepared! I will check my medicine cabinets and head to CVS for a stock up!

  8. Enjoy being snuggled up in peace for a few days. And Happy New Year.

  9. I hope you are feeling better soon! And I wish you a wonderful new year!


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