Sunday, December 6, 2020

Looking to 2021-Goal Time

Happy Sunday everyone, and I'm hoping the Christmas background is not too bright for you all. I'm still experimenting with things. LMK if you object to the brightness.

Since I've been making weekend confessions lately, here's another one. Yesterday (Saturday), I went to my daughter's to do two large loads of clothes (towels, sheets, clothes, you name it). I had a full basket and a full bag plus things she gave me. I got Panera on the way home, and after dragging said clothes into the house, and eating my dinner, I sat and looked at the everything folded on the sofa. Then I looked at my messy, recently stripped bed, and said to myself:  Let's toss a coin, because it's either sleep on the recliner or climb into bed on the mattress pad only because that's all that is happening to day.  And so it was that I slept with my new comforter on my mattress pad last night.

I am on the search for a washer and dryer. I just know what I want, and think that the pickings in the used market may be greater after Christmas-I'm not looking for a new super de dooper front loading type.

Meanwhile, yes, I know it's still the beginning of December, but pretty soon the holidays will be upon us, and while it may be in a different form than usual, will probably distract me from some of the things I would normally be doing. And since I need something to look forward to in the New Year, even if it isn't all "fun stuff",  well, it was time to look forward. In more limited form than usual. Some years I tend to have twenty five or so goals that are all over the place. This year I know better. Better to add more later than to over extend now, so this is where I am as I look forward to the new year:


  • Increase to one hour of exercise five days a week (does not have to be aerobic, can be chair pilates, yoga, whatever)
  • Do all appointments and scheduling for the coming year (with chronic conditions and a family history to be dealt with, these are alot)
  • Try and increase fruit and vegetable intake to six to seven daily, with juice being allowed.
  • Keep following the guidelines no matter how frustrated I get, and offer my arm up at the first opportunity I am able.
  • Create a new post move budget now that I have received one full bill for pretty much everything, realizing when things open up this may change a bit or I may need to move categories around.
  • Contribute quarterly to kids' IRAs in whatever way I can.
  • Create separate dedicated accounts for a few things instead of one savings fund (mainly creativity, ten year old car, and travel)
  • Plan a post Covid destination vacation for me, daughter and son-in-law, son and guest if he wants to bring one.
  • Do something for each kid each month-financial, supportive, whatever.
  • As soon as Covid is over, get my son into both a Career counselor and in person therapy (the virtual is simply not a good substitute, at least for him).
  • Plan to create another retired women's group post Covid and consider starting a Facebook group meanwhile.
  • Do one big volunteer thing each month, be it in person, donation, making things or whatever.
  • Advocate and make my opinions known, all the time.
Personal Growth:

  • Take an Olli course each term, obviously virtual for now-I've been doing online classes but really feel the need to have community and talk with others, especially since I usually take courses like writing or Great Decisions where input from others is helpful.
  • Try and learn six new skills this year, no matter how small or simple
  • Become more intense in my language practice and start watching original language TV shows without subtitles and read German papers and books to get my skills back where they were.
  • Make a master list of all the "creative/handmade" projects I really want to complete this year.
  • Plan my next two road trips (gulf coast from one end to the other and east coast and back two different routes) even though it may be a year before I can do it.
  • Make a monthly reasonable goals list and bucket list so I am motivated to keep in gear, especially during our Covid days.

  • Read the Bible from beginning to end this year.
  • Meditate ten minutes every day
  • Do one group or book study or other event with my church each month.
And now, off to take a Sunday walk. And perhaps actually make my bed.


  1. Those are wonderful goals Barbara! I may take a couple for myself:)

    1. Thanks, hopefully I've settled on a reasonable list.

  2. You're certainly ambitious and full of plans. Perhaps I've gotten too laissez faire during this pandemic as I haven't even thought much beyond Christmas.

    Take care and stay well!

  3. I'll be right there with you for the vaccine to not only protect myself but everyone else too.
    Stay as safe as possible.

  4. Isn't it great to give yourself the freedom to sleep in your bed regardless if it's been fully made--or not. After all, in the scheme of things, your rest is more important than nearly anything. I agree 100% when it comes to front-load washers. We have a washer/dryer set that's at least 25 yrs old in our main home. Our other little place near our kids is a newer LG frontloader with all the bells and whistles. I don't like it one little bit. In order to prevent moisture/mold, you have to take a rag and dry the gaskets around the door religiously. It requires bending over and putting my neck out of joint, literally. Now on a positive note, I think your goals look wonderful. I started trying to read the Bible through every year and found it to be educational and inspirational. I try to read 4-5 chapters through the week and that will nearly get you through it in one year. Continue to enjoy your new place and this great season!

  5. Barb, I meant to say reading 4-5 chapters per day, through the week, gets me through the Bible in about 1 year.

    1. Ah. Right now I am at two so I need to increase my reading.

  6. Six new skills ... I'm impressed! I'm thinking for myself: one new skill. Anyways, love your health goal of "Keep following the guidelines no matter how frustrated I get, and offer my arm up at the first opportunity I am able." We should all do so.

  7. I was really feeling like a slacker when I misunderstood your time frame for your goals list. I was nearly to the bottom when I scrolled back up to see it was for a year, not a month.

    1. Oh dear Lord. Nope, this is for a year, and I will probably have some added goals month by month........This is more than enough!

  8. That is an ambitious list of goals. It's great you keep so busy with crafts and things. I'm glad the Texas move has been so positive. And it's quite generous of you to help your children. Bravo!

    1. It has definitely been a positive thing for the most part, it would be more positive if the community was doing all it's community things but at least I have plenty to keep me busy in my little space here.

  9. I was wondering when you would post your goals for the upcoming year. Really good ones.

    God bless.

  10. Those are good goals! I've found that looking forward to the next year helps me cope, as does being intentional about how I'm living now. Thanks for sharing this.

  11. Hey Barb! Wow! I'm impressed with the clarity of your goals for next year. I completely agree that continuing to grow and evolve is a HUGE intention of mine...I just haven't been that engaged this year. However, after reading Seth Godin's new book "The Practice" and writing a blog post about it, I've been inspired. Probably won't get much done between now and the end of the year but I'm planning to make it happen. Thanks to you for helping to inspire me. ~Kathy

  12. Hey Barb! Wow! I'm impressed with the clarity of your goals for next year. I completely agree that continuing to grow and evolve is a HUGE intention of mine...I just haven't been that engaged this year. However, after reading Seth Godin's new book "The Practice" and writing a blog post about it, I've been inspired. Probably won't get much done between now and the end of the year but I'm planning to make it happen. Thanks to you for helping to inspire me. ~Kathy

  13. Along with everyone else in the world, I am starting the new year with health plans. Walking and yoga. I pre-ordered an "AppleWatch" style from Wyze that can tell me steps, heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and more ... $20! (plus shipping). Combined with WAY more fruits and vegetables. When I reached goal with Weight Watchers (2006) that was the secret...fruits and veggies. I bought plastic cups and packed one full every time I got in the car. Wish me luck!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from others, and I also love to hear all points of view.. Just leave the profanity and insults at home, OK? Thanks!!