Saturday, April 27, 2019

Grubhub and the Food Budget

One of the many bunches of reasons I try to keep the food budget under control is so that we can go out-or order in-when the mood strikes. And while I'm not opposed to Panera as such (I adore their broccoli cheese soup), I'm not talking fast food or pizza. I mean, almost any restaurant either has delivery or online ordering and pickup these days! And for a retired gal who considers cooking to be throwing a pre-made casserole in the oven or throwing something else in the slow cooker (and yet loves to eat) and a pre-retiree who works pretty ate and is hungry when she gets home, ordering in can be cost effective. If it's combined with a sensible grocery budget....and mainly healthy choices, we hope!

I'll talk about the food budget more, since Monday the grocery shopping gets done. Maybe a what I bought, what we plan to eat and what we actually ate in retirement post now and again?

Today though, we were in ordering mode, full on. Especially since one dog (who has a heart murmur and lung issues and so on) ruined a carpet, a comforter, and someones sleep last night due to illness. Don't ask. Now, for those who are not into the ordering scene, these days the easy way to order is with a phone app. Grubhub, Postmates, DoorDash-they all bring food from anywhere you want. I mean, obviously this depends on your location. Mine includes Chipotle, Smokin' Fins, Rock bottom Restaurant and Brewery, the Black Eyed Pea, The Post Brewing Company, Red Robin, Mod Market and too many others to name!  

Note that while the grilled sandwich is in perfect focus, my fish was not-blame it on the hunger, the hunger, the hunger!

Most restaurants are on all the apps, and each has their own group of unique ones. These evening I decided to try this method, and order via the Grubhub app from the Rock Bottom Brewery. I ordered  a grilled avocado chicken sandwich that came with cilantro lime rice, and a Kolsch (beer) battered fish and chips with Remoulade sauce and Santa Fe fries and coleslaw. Unfortunately they don't deliver wine as of yet, and since I ate part of a chocolate bunny no dessert was involved. All in all an unusually small order even for us. No side salad, no dessert, nada. An easy test of the delivery system if you will!

The upside? The food came hot to my door, at the time I chose specifically. I didn't have to change out of my (today, very unmatching) casual at home clothes. And it saved me from leftover pizza or smoked salmon and cream cheese on bagels. Good, but for breakfast, not dinner. I didn't have to try and holler over someone on the phone at a crowded restaurant or read my card off to them. Once I had chosen, it literally took a few clicks to have my order done and eventually on the way.

The downside? It comes in plastic-eventually a concern, but right now I actually NEEd those square storage containers. I paid a four dollar delivery fee (not unreasonable at all, it's the same thing I pay to get the Clicklist groceries put in my car each week). And of course a tip. In other words, changing my clothes and going out in my car to pick up would be cheaper (sitting down not so much, I'd still be tipping 20 percent).

 But then I'd have to leave my knitting and TV, never mind being respectable in case of an accident or getting out of the car (channeling my mother here). So I'll stick with the door to door for any day we don't have to leave the house, thanks, and keep on working on that food budget (which now includes our eating out and groceries, but not the things like lunch with the Diva gals).

Next time, a different app and a different restaurant-maybe on knitting day? 

Meanwhile, in other news, I forgot to read my pattern as I go. I had to bring it all back down because I missed an increase row. Aren't I glad it's for me and there's no rush! 


  1. We don't have apps for many of our good restaurants here (more the pizza type) but we do have a phone...

    God bless.

    1. A phone always works, for sure. I just never pay cash and get uncomfortable saying the card over the phone and having people see her or him type it in.

  2. I've thought about trying the delivery services you mention, and maybe I will actually do it one of these days. It sounds like a great way to get dinner delivered.

  3. We have a delivery service at work, a rotation of 3-4 restaurants a day, with about 20 different ones in total. You place your order by 1-:30, and all is delivered to the front lobby by 12:15. I've done it once to try it out, on a day when they had Thai food from a restaurant that is known for being very good. It was, but lunch is an area where I am really trying to maximize use of leftovers and keep my meals to practically free. As I am still working I am more apt to just order and pick up the occasional take out on route home, saving tip and delivery fee, but as you said, if not already out, it might be worth it on occasion. Grub hub was a great gift idea for when my friend was going through cancer treatment. Her young family could pick from a variety of meals and just one less burden for them all.

    1. Yep, when I was working calling and stopping on the way home was by far the easiest for sure. We do leftovers for lunch or I do sandwiches or lean cuisine depending. When I was working I usually went outside at lunch and then ate at my desk while was that kind of job.

  4. We don't get Grubhub deliveries were I live and and didn't know there are others doing the same thing. Pizza is the only thing I can get delivered and the place is within walking distance so it doesn't make sense for me to pay for delivery and a tip. I really wish I could get a good quality meal delivered.

    1. I think the more urban or inner suburb you are the easier it is. We also get utber eats in addition to the above but I dont do uber in any form.

  5. When I was working and would get home too tired to cook, I would occasionally order in from restaurants. It's a nice service that way.

    1. It is. And oone Ive continued at least once a week in retirement. I really do envy those who love to cook. For what it's worth, tonight we're having a frozen casserole so as to watch Game of Thrones, but tomorrow I'm actually cooking a pork butt with gravy.

  6. We have a similar app here as well, the name of which escapes me at the moment. I use it infrequently but really appreciate the tracking option it provides. I know when my food is being prepared and when it's on the way. I can even see where the delivery vehicle is as it makes its way to my home.

    I've only just retired and learning to work within a budget. This month my groceries and eating out balanced out almost to the penny. Hooray!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Youll get the budget thing. I'm moving more to the once I've paid all the regular bills and everything goes into a pot type budget but I budgeted and tracked for quite awhile. More about the grocery budget tomorrow.

  7. On the flip side, my husband just started driving for Uber Eats 2 weeks ago. He enjoys it and does lots of McDonald deliveries to teenage kids!


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