Sunday, March 22, 2020

Living in Place

This morning, I got up, sat in my chair and partcipated in a live stream church service, music and all.  For the last week I have been doing the same with a morning prayer program every morning at 8.  This is just part of my new normal.

Officially, today I have been at home for two weeks-with one foray to grocery order where I left my wnidow up and had them throw stuff in the back of my Murano and one foray walking around the block where distance was kept. Unofficially of course, the two other people have been coming and going and both at least semi working with the public (changing clothes and shoes and washing up when they enter).  

Things don't look to change much. In fact I expect our governor to lock us down on Monday, although I am not sure what that looks like. Will we still be allowed to walk the dogs and go down the block? I know that food service, groceries, doctors and probably laundry will still be considered essential. 

I'm grateful to live in one of those states where the governor is stepping up and being very proactive across the board.  I think in most cases our governors are at the forefront leadership wise. Our President is sending mixed messages and disagreeing with the experts on a regular basis and giving bad advise that is not medically sound. It's painful to watch him say something, then watch the experts say "no, that's not right" and then watch him say it agian. The man is refusing to use the defense protection act immediately even though he enacted it. And NO you cannot re-sterilize and re-use hospital masks. Is it too late for Cuomo for president?

In other news, I have a confession to make. That schedule on the last blog post?  I did it for Thursday and mainly made it through Friday and then......poof.  Good intentions aside, for me a schedule is generally a fail.  Having said that, I've spent way to many mornings in my Pjs and way to many days in my chair doing nothing but reading or knitting with the occasional exercise thrown in. I've also spent too much time online, but since that's much of my "social" these days, I'm trying to not beat myself up about that one. Still, I could use some motivation. I've been treating my time like vacation or a kid's snow day, and we're gonna be here alot longer than that.

I need at least a teeny bit of structure because:  a. There are actually some things I'd like to do during this down time (creative wise, house wise, and preparation for Texas wise), b. I expect this to be my new normal for another month, and c. I know I'll feel better if I have some kind of routine, even if it's not as evolved as the one I talked about before. I've loved the fact, for example, that my church is streaming that morning prayer daily during this time and that I can use that to begin my day

So instead, I'm going to be much more relaxed, and say that every day I will TRY, Try I say,  to:

  • Go outside if the weather allows (I have a huge back yard and need to take advantage of it, since when I move, I'll be into shared green space and patio-which will be fine when it happens)
  • Exercise in SOME small way every day-either seated aerobics,  walking five thousand steps inside or outside, doing a yoga program or weights or aerobic program-and try and do my anke PT exercises daily
  • Do some house maintenance and or house organization every day. Very much not a fan of Fly Lady but this is a chance to get some stuff done, I suppose
  • Do some project/thing that is fun or challenging  (be it suggested by that social distance list above or not) that is not knitting (which I automatically do every day in front of the TV) or reading (which I do voraciously with no reminder whatsoever on any given day, since I read multiple books a week).
  • Pray/meditate/journal daily (which I usually do as part of my morning or in bed ritual anyway).
  • Communicate with those not in my house in some small way at least, be it talking to my family, interacting virtually with my women's group or only joining my support forums online.
Again, these are goals, things to aim for. I won't kick myself if they aren't part of my day, but I know I'll probably feel better if I do at least some of them!

I'm going to be blogging daily. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. Because we are all in this together, and this blog is a way for me to both keep track of how I'm doing and let everyone else know how I'm doing. Sometimes it will just be "these are the things I did today", and sometimes more. I always welcome coments but know that for many of you, ever single day is not the norm when it comes to following this blog. Either way, it's going to be an experience. 


  1. I said the same thing about Como this morning!
    New normal.
    Takes some getting used to for sure.

  2. Having purpose and activity each day is important I think. You will find the right ones for yourself.

  3. I spend more time than usual on the internet now too, always checking for updates on the number of coronavirus cases and checking to see whether the governor has implemented "Shelter in Place" for the state. I know it isn't good to constantly be reading and listening to the news as after awhile, it tends to get depressing but what can I say? Other than that, I'm able to take advantage of the streaming church services too which help. I've got a long "wish to get done" list but keep putting it off because I would rather do other things. ha!

    1. I avoid the news at all costs. I look at the denver news late in the day and do a quick update in the morning. Other than that no. I do spend time on some forms for knit ti ing and frugal living and crafting as such but not the current events.

  4. This is our new normal for the next while. I am just worried about our sons, especially the one who has the broken hip. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will not have to stay in our own cities, but can still travel within our provinces. If not I will be moving to the city to stay with him indefinitely.

    God bless.

  5. Our governor is doing a good job too.

    I heard there is are places in Europe where you have to have a pass to walk your dog! I hope that's not true. If you can't get the virus if you keep 6 feet apart, I don't see how walking a neighborhood could possibly spread the virus. Maybe in a place like NYC but not in most places. Scary times with too much mixed messages and rumors going around.

    1. It’s my understanding from reading several reports about this, that all passes are self-administered. You print and fill them out yourself. The point is to make people think before they go out.

    2. Good to know. Out governor did not do a lockdown yesterday but took other steps..

    3. Having said that I am keeping much more than six feet apart and not touching surfaces the few times I go out.

    4. I'm in France on my 7th day of complete lockdown and yes you do have to have a pass with you to go out anywhere, even to walk the dog. You can download it from the internet (I guess that just guarantees you've read the guidelines) but you have to have a new one each and every time you go out - dated each day. Failure to comply brings about $150 fine and rising for repeat offenders. People here are being pretty good about it. What is also good is we are not seeing the ridiculous scenes of hoarding. Plenty of fresh fruit and veg, meat, cheese and so on. Maybe there has been a little run on pasta and tp but it is still available. We have been told 15 days lockdown but I can see it being extended. But if that's what it takes to avoid the death tolls being seen in Italy and Spain so be it! Stay safe everyone.

  6. I’m managing to get a walk in daily along w/some mundane housework! Cuomo is also on our radar. What a refreshing thought!!

    1. I need to get a bit better on the mundane housework!

  7. In the UK we are staying home and pubs, cafes,gyms etc are all closed. My husband and I are finding routine helpful and we are lucky to have a large garden and woods and fields behind d us to walk the dogs. If we see other dog walkers ( rare) we wave and pass by at safe distances. Thank goodness for technology to keep us connected. Thank you for continuing to blog.

    1. I agree with tech. I think green spaces yards and the oncoming of spring will help with the depression side of things.

  8. Barb, since I've retired, I've worked off a "Today" list - maybe a half dozen things I want to do on any given day, much like your list of bulleted items above. It provides structure, but not too much, and I get the satisfaction of crossing items off my list as they're accomplished. I keep a long To Do list on the computer to keep track of pending items and to prevent important tasks from falling through the cracks, but it's my Today list that keeps me focused and productive, without making me feel like I'm back in the workforce.

    1. Yes to the crossing off part. I am definitely a write it down if it needs to be done type...

  9. It's a time when we can all focus in on the things we like best, do best, whether it's crafts, art, music, writing, or whatever else we often don't have time for in the hustle and bustle of normal life.

  10. Great list! I'm happy to hear you'll be blogging everyday, I enjoy visiting and hearing what you are up to.

    Stay well!

  11. Yes, it is very much the same here in Australia. Our borders are closed between each State and nobody is allowed into the country. Every day we get new regulations and many workers are now at home, but schools are open here in Sth Australia but may close soon as NSW schools are closed now. We are self isolating and only shopping for essentials once a week and we make it a quick visit with a list and get out as quick as we can. The shops here are closed too except for essential services, and supermarkets have many empty shelves and not the variety but still enough to get what we want. I enjoy your blog and hope you continue to do so.
    It is disappointing that some people in our country are not adhering to the isolation rules, but the PM has been very clear about what we all should be doing so hopefully everyone will start to take this virus seriously.


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