Thursday, May 3, 2018

She's Back!

Sorry folks, that was a really long break, even for me. First there was the extended wedding experience, and then a week where I was supposed to get myself organized but did nothing of the kind. My goal is to get back to my three day blog schedule, and I hope to have another post tomorrow or this weekend.

Meanwhile, I've joined the legion of bloggers, retirement types and others, who embrace a non spending period. I plan to be doing a bunch of spending, vacation and otherwise in the late summer and early fall. My son decided at the last minute to take two summer classes too late to get any aid except from the bank of Mom. Those two circumstances, as well as wanting to get my retirement house in order a bit have me declaring a moratorium for most non essential spending for the rest of this month.

Yesterday I sat down with my big trusty notebook and made a list of all the things I could do mostly at home and on rare occasions  out of the house and in the greater area that were  free. Things I could do mainly at home that were free, with materials books and other stuff I have on hand.  Things I can create without buying more supplies, places I could go without spending more than a beverage and more. 

While this kind of exercise may seem unneeded for the Frugal Retiree, even I can use some retooling and refreshing. With big expenses coming up and the wedding even and travel behind me, this is as good a time as any!

The list is long my friends, as I knew it would be. And it is not all encompassing. Obviously, money will be spent.  In the garden, on good food and I expect on the occasional coffee date or craft item.

 But it is also not a list of deprivation. There are enough tv shows, movies, books, sewing projects, baking ideas, art challenges, and and the occasional social event to keep me busy. M ore than busy. Never mind the writing, neighborhood get-togethers,  back yard projects, online classes, exercise classes, and so on. I suspect  I'll only get to half of these ideas. But they are there,  just in case I need the inspiration on any given day. And the list, it keeps growing.

As for tonight,  I'm relying on a Schwan's shepherd's pie and fruit and salad to keep  us going. Because I have a new book to read. And I found this fabric in my "stash", and figured it would make a perfect  knitting bag.

Happy Thursday, and what have you been up to?


  1. If he was going to apply for a Pell Grant, go ahead and apply as they will reward retroactively. Or, ask whatever program is they do the same thing.

    I love the purse fabric.

    1. Linda, good to know. And yes, I love the fabric, had just been deciding what to do with it.

  2. There are many free activities out there for us retirees. My old union pays offers us free Qigong classes, chair yoga, meditation, arts and crafts, line dancing, etc. I try to get to them all. Before this I was attending lifelong learning classes for retirees at our local college. Only cost $85 a year. I pack my lunch go to the park or out to the boardwalk. I'm always googling free things for seniors.

    1. Welcome. Yes, there are lots of free, things. In this case I'm mainly looking to create at home. So I need to remind myself I don't need more!

    2. By yyhe way I think it's great that your union offers all these bennies, I had not heard of that before!

  3. Love that fabric. I can see why you had trouble deciding how to use it.

    I find a lot of free stuff to do through the library and through the websites of small towns nearby.

    1. I do love the entertainment and community paper sections. I actually had forgotten I had this fabric, hence the challenge. What can I create from what I have without finding more stuff I need to create

  4. Beautiful fabric! Yes, I have so many free things I can do in any one week/month.We have "culture passes" at our library too where you can get passes to local (pricey) museums like the Botanical Gardens, Art museum,etc. My art studio holds enough supplies to last me to rapture without ever buying another item lol!! Playing canasta twice a month with the lady's groups= free fun! Library has lotsa free programs. SO may trails to walk, bird watching to do. I have some movie theater gift certificates, and yes, online classes through Coursera are free. READING is also a major fun hobby as is cooking--I have to buy groceries, but enjoying cooking as a hobby makes it a fun thing not a chore. I love to spend time reading cookbooks too and making up vegan menus as we are trying hard to get back to vegan eating. We're spending some money too on local travels throughout summer, so in between am trying the frugal route when we're home!

    1. Yea, my downfall with the baking is all the extra ingredients. I do love my library, and I read a whole book today!!!

  5. Welcome back! I enjoy your posts as I try to imagine what life will be like after retirement and prepare my mindset for how I will deal with the challenges and opportunities retirement presents. I took some vacation last week and worked on an inventory of our household items for insurance purposes. I live in an area that has recently been plagued with lots of wildfires and each spring we face the threat of tornadoes. Although we have adequate insurance to cover what we own, it is my understanding that you still have to show the insurance company what was lost in order to justify the full payment that might be due. We have a friend who thought they were going to lose everything in a wildfire, but thankfully it only burned a storage shed full of tools - some of which were inherited and carried sentimental as well as utilitarian value. The insurance company required them to present a list of all the items lost and they were not able to think of everything they had once it was gone and they could no longer recall from memory alone. My insurance company says that a walk through video, photos, store receipts, bank statements, check copies, and credit card statements are good to have also. Store your back-up digitally, in a safe deposit box (preferably underground) or at some off-site location. Your readers are probably a lot smarter than I have been and already did this a long time ago, but it is surprising when you start putting it all on paper what it would cost to replace what you have (even pantry and fridge items add up). The cost to replace what you own is probably a lot more than you husband and I are also long-time collectors so that makes it even more imperative to take inventory. LOVE THE FABRIC - I can see why you have been holding on to it!

  6. Really, it is amazing doing a no spend/little spend month. I find it refreshing as I get to use up those things I already have.

    Wow, I love that fabric and can't wait to see the finished bag.

    God bless.

  7. Ha ha, sometimes life does get in the way of blogging, doesn't it!?!


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