Monday, January 1, 2018

It's a New Year (With a New Keyboard)!

Today, my friends, is the beginning of a new year.  I'm not sure how that happened so quickly, but never the less, 2018 has arrived. And at least in Colorado, with a serious blast of coldness. After temps in the sixties right up until a few days before Christmas, frigid weather has arrived.  On the plus side, it's sunny and there is no snow. On the minus side, however, I (and probably many others) put off things like buying a new coat, adding heavy socks and sweats to the wardrobe when needed and generally practicing avoidance.

I am just so grateful that we don't have accumulated snow, the sun makes things generally feel a good ten degrees warmer, and that Colorado in general has mainly mild weather, to which we will soon return.

This trip to Dallas was both shorter than others as well as cold-I actually needed a heavier sweater in Texas this year. As always, a good, mainly low key Christmas was had by all. Gifts were exchanged, Christmas dinner (prime rib) was smoked, a Star Wars movie was viewed and in general we all had a relaxing Christmas (minus the drive north and south with a passenger in severe pain and a normally calm dog who was channeling his master's discomfort). Yesterday we had dinner and drinks and our Denver Christmas celebration and gift exchange while ringing in 2018. Today?  Off again to see Star Wars with the Denver family who has yet to see it (while not as good as the first, in my opinion worth at least a second viewing).  

My son got his sister a cheeseboard and knives, which she used instantly

A little post gift-hour mess
Tomorrow? Back to my normal (or new normal) retirement schedule, as well as a visit to my doctor for my annual physical. After over a week of barely minimal exercise and holiday and movie food and drink, I'll be moving again-at home. My daughter's gift to me was exercise equipment, so I now have stretchy bands, a small ball, and weights with which to workout via Utube in the coziness of my own home. 

Those much needed exercise bands

I am so looking forward to gong back to my minimal routine. I'm in the process of creating my new quarterly journal for 2018 (the advantage of bullet journaling is hat you create what you need in terms of pages, calendars and the like). Because of my step back earlier this fall, I'm looking at a month with only two weekly out of the house obligations. My short volunteer gig in the morning which I am loath to give up (it's one of those caring for the caregiver things), and my knitting. I have embraced a few monthly commitments including two book clubs (I need all the help I can to get past the Harlan Coben, John Sandford, Robert Crais type of reading I do in the extreme), a quilting group and a women's brunch group. After a month or so, I will rethink and review-and I've let the dinner club folks know that if they get in a true bind, they know where to find me.

A quick glance around the blogosphere this morning shows all kinds of 2018 posts, many of them including a word or words for the year.  Just as I prefer short term goal making as opposed to annual goals (I seem to be able to keep the few big pictures I have in my head), I am looking a month a head in other directions.

Which is why my word or goal for January is to reset.  While I don't plan a huge amount of changes in the coming year, I am embracing a couple big projects and looking to a couple lifestyle changes. Which is why I have chosen to take January to review, plan, assess, re-assess, and reset when needed. 

I also plan to do a fair amount of nesting, which will include knitting, sewing, writing, creating and watching a few of my favorite Netflix shows which have returned for new seasons, including The Crown, and Travelers.

Along with this planning includes of course some goal making for the month, which I'll share later. The list is fairly short and sweet. I've learned that even if a goal is simply doing one thing like making a prayer journal and downloading prompts, more than two of these types of things a week is the most I can challenge myself to. Because one of my big "in my head" goals is to be more intentional, I'm working on a relaxing and partially energizing morning and evening routine (no jump out of bed in the norning person, am I), and the first rough take of that one is below.  

I'll be sharing other goals and how they are moving along later. Meanwhile, now that I am fully in keyboard mode, I plan to see you all at least twice a week, and hopefully three times, at least for photo sharing if nothing else. I'll also be jumping back on social media after a loooonnnggg break this week. On Wednesday, I will be post annual physical results and also sharing a new creative project and a challenge I'm giving myself.

Meanwhile, enjoy the rest of your day, as well as the rest of 2018.  And while I'll be at a second viewing of that Star Wars movie this afternoon, may the force be with Baker Mayfield. Cause you knew I had to get college football into the New Year's Day discusson. Somehow.


  1. Happy New Year! All the very best in 2018.

  2. Happy New Year Barb.

    You will love The Crown. I binge watched it over three nights.

    God bless.

  3. Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy 2018. The exercise at home kit is such a great idea - I need to consider something like that. Looking forward to following your blog in 2018.

    1. Utube is so very much your friend in this area. I do a half an hour weight watchers walk in my living room, and I also do something called "sit,stand and move" that is kind of like silver sneakers and incorporates weights, bands and balls). All without leaving the house!

  4. Happy New Year. I think I need to take a class from you on being organized and productive. You put me to shame.

    1. I am actually so very disorganized and lazy that they only way function is to have some basicroutines, lol. go from doing ten things to letting ten things sit for two or three weeks.

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family! Had to chuckle at your reading comment. I, too, need something to prompt me to read beyond my normal mystery genre. So occasionally I get some other kind of book at the library, which usually sits on my nightstand, unread, until it's due.

    1. LOL. I do enjoy being challenged by other kinds of books,which is the main reason i belong to two different book clubs. I like almost everything we read, I just need some influence and suggestion to get me going.

  6. Same here in the Northeast ... warm then cold; except we now have snow. I recall flying from Newark airport to DFW with my kids -- this was a while ago, I admit, probably in the early '90s -- and it was over 60 degrees when we left NJ, and down in the 30s when we arrived in Dallas a few hours later. Then ... on our trip home, our plane had to be de-iced before we could take off from DFW. I thought Taxes was supposed to be warm!


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