Friday, January 26, 2018

5 Frugal Things, and the "C" Word

Just a note to say that I'll continue my "survivor" series next week, talking about caregiving, advocacy and self-care. Not necessarily more positive, but more helpful, I hope in some wayy.

That word being............Christmas???  I know, I know, we just left that place. It'll be another holiday soon and so on and so forth and la de dah! However, a couple crafty bloggers I'm following are having a Christmas project a month. Because well, Christmas (in January, and February, and...). Seriously though, it's a fun idea. One I am taking in a slightly different direction. While their projects are all (or mainly, I'm not sure yet) Christmas themed, mine will go in a different direction. I mean, If I can make Christmas tags, I can make Easter tags and Halloween Tags and Mother's Day tags. Because I never met a holiday that I didn't think was worth a celebration.

Because every holiday deserves it's own stuff, and because I like to play. And because with my "slower" schedule these days I have time to play. When and if I want. And even if I only end up with one Christmas tag and one Valentine's tag.

Meanwhile, after having been pretty much flat on my back for the week except for fine tuning Wednesday's painful post, not a whole lot has happened. I'm not even sure I can come up with five frugal things, but let's give it a try:

1. In between hacking and trying to sleep and being miserable, I forced myself to get out of bed here and there-and in the process threw everything old, torn and no longer worn into a large laundry basket. The basket is still in my closet. Not because I want to rescue anything, but in cash a have a flash of creativity or inspiration in the next week on any upcycling or crafting projects that might use said clothes. Otherwise, out they go!!!!

2. Although I was sicker than a dirty dog and the other two family members were gone from dawn well past dusk, we still ate well without ordering in or takeout. With a little supervision, my son put a cross rib roast in the oven, we had a frozen pizza, and thanks to the freezer we had two other meals that I removed from the freezer and let others heat. I think I'm healthy enough to hit the frugal cooker again this week.

3. Since during my waking, functional hours I spent more than the average time wandering the Internet while half-baked mentally, I discovered a new cash back phone app-one that gives me gift cards back for purchases at Target, Walmart, and Safeway just for linking the card that I use for my normal shopping.

4. My son is in school from dawn to dusk two days this semester, as I've probably shared elsewhere. The last time this happened we hired a dog walker at $20 a pop, since I cannot walk him without endangering myself (yea, he's a BIG dog). This time, I said no to the $40 a week. We have a large yard with lots of play room. My sister walks him many nights -at least around the block-after walking her teeny dog and eventually, it will be light enough at seven in the evening for him to get back in the groove. Hey, forty bucks a week is forty bucks a week and to date he is no worse for the wear.

5. And finally, since I have yet to leave the house as such, I haven't spent on gas. I haven't hit a coffee shop, or gone to a grocery store, or to a fabric store or even spent five dollars to hit the gym. Health enforced non spending it is, but non spending nevertheless!

What about your week?  I certainly hope it was healthier!


  1. Amazing how much money you can save just be staying home! Spent nothing the last 2 weeks!! I felt better yesterday and took my husband to the airport to go to a brother reunion in Texas.On the way home I stopped at my favorite resale store and bought clothes. It was one of those days everything fit and everything looked good. So, lesson is, you can even get into trouble in the resale stores.. but then, we're not splurging on much travel this year, mostly inexpensive and fun road trips,so I feel a little more spendy in other areas.. On the FRUGAL SIDE: The resale store has a furniture department and I did NOT buy the desk and the chair I had my eye on.Came home to think about it and the urge went away!!!!!

    1. Yep, Im really trying for at least a 24 hour hold on spending unless it's to die for and I know it will probably not be there the next day (like at the thrift shop).

  2. We are down to one vehicle for awhile. I thought it would be horrible for me but on days I need or want to shop or do errands, I drive my husband to work which is only 7 miles. I thought I would be doing this all the time and am surprised if I plan those trips, I don't need the car as I first thought. I am saving money at the end of each month and my house is cleaner!

    1. Im not a spender but I stil lspend when I am out and about, a hot chocolate for the book group, a drink on the road there. My husband and I shared a car for some time, and it's amazing how few times I was willing to get up and drive him to work just so I could have the car later!

  3. I didn't leave the house much in January and thus my gas money didn't get spent and my Starbucks card has the same balance. Forged frugal-living does have its perks.

  4. You are not alone - I came down with strep almost two weeks ago and it has been rough in spite of antibiotics which make me feel dizzy, everything taste bitter and my brain in a fog. I also managed to clean out a closet for the women's shelter that our church was helping out even though I felt yucky. When you feel that terrible, everything looks horrible and makes you sick to look at it so it is easy to give it away - LOL - so maybe there is some benefit to that after! Also lost weight without trying - another good benefit. Take care and thanks for all you do for us! I always feel like I just heard from a friend everytime you post - even though we have never met.

  5. What is the new cash-back app?

    1. Well, shoot, I thought I had linked to it. Illness you is the app link below. Choose your five stores carefully though because once you choose them you cannot change the. I'll probably have a list of all my cash back apps up in a post next week.

    2. Thank you! I'll look forward to that list.

  6. I try to stay home as much as possible. I like staying home so that is not a problem and not spending or not having an opportunity to spend makes me feel good.

    God bless.

  7. Saving money because you're laid up sick in bed? Cold comfort! (Okay, sorry, just trying to cheer you up.)

  8. After having the flu, I did not feel like going anywhere. Then, the uti made me feel worse in some ways and I was over the flu. I stayed home a lot and used half as much gas as usual. Plus, I was not out of the house to spend on groceries or anything else.


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