Thursday, May 9, 2019

Sick and Tired of Thoughts and Prayers.

When I decided to continue this blog, I mentioned that  I would be writing on current event issues, especially those involving human rights. I consider this such an issue. Also note that I am sick as a dog  today. So feel free to take me to task on the issues but do note that I expect more than one typo exists below.

I live in Littleton. But I live in one of those places where three towns are in a half block of my house, one of those being Highlands Ranch. Last Tuesday, I had stayed home from both my balance class and my ladies lunch bunch. I wasn't ill as  in in bed ill, but I had no wish to share runny nose, the inability to swallow and a generic cough with the general population. So I sat reading and knitting and happy to be at home (another post for another time).

At a little before two, my son came home for his midday break to eat and walk the dog. Being an always on the phone and checking social media and the news kind of guy, he jumped up, yelled, and told me there was an active shooter down the road. Down the road as in right next to where my gals where lunching.  What I watched, just a couple miles of me (not for the first time this year.) was horrendous.

Yesterday, and today, while there is much on the news about the shooters, and about the school, there is much about the young man who died. There were also two articles about young people saving the day. A school senior should not HAVE to save the day, to rescue his classmates or anything else!!  Is it heroic that he did so? Absolutely. Should this become the standard, here or else where, that someone becomes a hero by standing in front of a gun or rushing a person with a gun? I don't think so. His parents wish that he had run away. He should have had to do neither.

Make no mistake here people. This chid, the children killed at other schools and those killed at places of worship were killed by guns. The GUNS killed the people. Did other people handle said guns? Yes. But had those other people been armed with pipes, fists or even knives, the results would have been drastically different.  It was the GUNS that caused the deaths. To tell ourselves anything else is idiocy.

To reiterate, I am not anti gun. I am a veteran, the wife of a veteran, the relative of veterans. I have, in fact shot an AR15-more than once. My adult son regularly goes target shooting. In the controversy over having a gun shop with an inside shooting range in our neighborhood, I was in the pro column. My sister and brother in law (another former veteran) have guns and shoot. More than once I have been the beneficiary of a quarter of an elk (although one friend is a bow hunter and does not use guns). The list could go on. In other words, I am not opposed to law abiding citizens who have training and know how to use them responsibly having weapons. There, I said it.

However, the current all or nothing situation involving some conservatives and the gun lobby is not sustainable in the future.  The inability of some gun owners and the NRA to seek any middle ground on any topic is unforgivable. From what I can see the decision has been made that guns are more important than children's lives. Shootings  in schools have become so much the norm that today on CNN there is no longer a headline about it that I can see.  Note:  I understand that there are underlying psychology and school security issues that need to be addressed, and I am in favor of that as well. But let's get rid of the weapons first and move onward.

I am a firm believer that you cannot be in the middle on this. People who are silent, and people who abstain are almost always on the wrong side of history and morality, and often regret it after. Starting with all the folks who refused to vote in the last election and going back to the Nazis and even further.

I cannot tell you what to do. I can say that prayers and thoughts are not enough-and I say that as a devout person. God expects us to act. To paraphrase what my church newsletter said, as well as the recently late author Rachel Held Evans said, it's time to embrace discomfort, among friends, neighbors, in talking with politicians, in talking with young people.

We all need to act differently and I am still working on how I will do that, but I do know what I personally believes needs to change. So here are the things I will be discussing loudly, with friends, acquaintances and yes, my local representatives.

  • Parents should be required to store all weapons in such a way that children cannot find them. A great majority of school killings were committee with weapons taken from home including one in my immediate area a couple years ago when a 14 year old opened dads unlocked gun cabinet and took out a hunting rifle and took it to school and shot a young woman in the head.
  • No one needs an AR15. If this offends you, too bad. I've shot one. The sole purpose of an AR 15 is to shoot a bunch of people dead as fast as possible. Other than the military I cannot imagine a need for such a weapon. It is not meant for "target shooting".
  • If minor is not in the military, he or she does not need a gun. Take your kid out and supervise him or her when he or she shoots with you. The go home and lock up the gun, or lock up the gun at the range.
  • Owning a gun may be considered a right by some people. I would suggest that if we have to take a class and a test and have those reviewed every few years. 
  • Some would suggest a slippery slope with this, and I don't necessarily disagree. I am not in favor of labeling the mentally ill as a group. But there should be a way for psychologist and doctors to have some input when it comes to patients that they know are dangerous. More specifically, if you have been charged with spousal or child abuse, you should not be able to get a gun. If you have been convicted of a violent crime you should not be able to get a gun. 
  • No one NEEDS a gun the same day.
It's time to do one thing or the other. You can be in the group that wants the current status quo when it comes to guns, or you can be in the group that cares about the lives of young people, church goers and others. I'm sorry if this offends you, but you cannot do both. You cannot.

Where do you stand.

As always, please note that any comment is welcome, if you sign your name, if you are polite and if you realize that I may comment to your comment and may still disagree!


  1. I 100% agree with you. We need to do a better job of vetting people who want to purchase a gun and also hold gun owners responsible for any crime or crimes that were committed using a gun purchased by them.

  2. I'm English so we don't really have a gun mentality, as such.
    I do not understand why any civilian needs a repeat or pump action gun of any type. They are only used for one thing, killing a lot of people in one go.
    A hunting gun only needs to be two shots if that.
    Hand guns are only meant to kill people with, not hunt with.
    If people want a gun, which I can understand to a point. They should all be monitored by the authorities.
    You don't need a semi automatic for target practice or hunting deer with.
    I know I see it differently from American view points. But children and people are more important surely.

  3. I didn't mean to hit enter after my Amen to you Barbara.
    I agree with Shelly C
    I do not own a gun, because I would use it. I don't need to hunt, I have grocery stores. I don't need to arm myself for protection. I don't need a gun for any damn reason period. And I will never understand others need for one. But we live in a country that has a backwoods cowboy attitude. Gun, guns, guns. They have the ability to stop a woman from having an abortion and forcing their beliefs on us and yet they are okay with killing them all once out of the womb and in school. I'm sorry but I am no longer a proud American. This country is a hot mess, from the leader down.

    1. I knew what you meant though. I have thought m any times of getting a gun for protection as a woman who lives alone and goes out alone a great deal, and I would like to learn to shoot targets. I agree with the hot mess part.

  4. The saddest day of my teaching career was the day I lied to a room of 5 year olds. We were going over the procedures for a lockdown drill. A little boy asked me what would happen to them, if the bad man got into the classroom. I told him not to worry. I would protect them and the bad man would have to get pass me first. Still breaks my heart every time I think about it. Any time guns come up I relate that story. It may not change any minds, but sure shuts people up! I thank my lucky stars that I was able to retire the next year.

  5. I've got teachers in my family and I worry about them all the time.

    The NRA has turned into an evil organization that only cares about making the gun lobby more money. We need to vote anyone out of office who take money from the NRA! The slippery slope thing is a myth. No one wants your hunting riffles. We need back ground checks and closing the gun show loopholes. We need a ban on AR 15s for the general population.

  6. I live in Canada, where gun laws are much more strict. We have had 7 school shootings since 1975...if anyone is counting that's over 40 years. There have been 15 this year alone in the USA. So your point that guns (and the lack of controls and easy access) are the cause is absolutely correct.

    Unfortunately I think you have a government (and a President) who are beholden to the NRA and making such a shift will not be an easy transition. It will take a lot of voices and votes!

  7. I totally agree that it is guns that kill and if the shooters had any other weapons the outcome could and would be much different. Living in Canada I often wonder why on earth people think they need guns that shoot multiple bullet at a speed that I can't even comprehend.

    As someone said on a post I read today, "thank you for the thoughts and prayers, but if you really want to do something, get out and vote." I do hope that resonates within the hearts and minds of all American people.

    God bless.

  8. Great post Barbara. I'm a lunch lady in an elementary school and I worry about school shootings all the time. During lunch hours we have a couple hundred kids in a cafeteria that's lined with windows. Lockdown drills can never truly prepare you for the real thing and it's inconceivable that we even have to prepare for that kind of scenario.

  9. I haven't been able to think straight let alone comment. I'll never understand the gun culture that thinks any discussion of tighter regualtions is anti 2nd amendment. Please hunt,if they want. Own a gund for personal safety, once trained on gun safety and kept where no child could access. Shoot clay pigeons or targets for marksmanship sport. I have no issues, even if personally none of that appeals to me. But how anyone thinks that anything that shoots multiple rounds, very quickly, has any place in society is just plain ridiculous. Yes, criminals will find guns, but the more they are tracked, regulated, and identifiable, the more difficult it would be to plan and perpetrate these senseless mass shootings.

  10. Agree completely. My feeling is that guns should be treated like another useful but dangerous commonality in our lives ... the automobile. So they should be licensed, registered and insured. I can't see how that would restrict the rights of gun ownership, since there's certainly no scarcity of automobiles in the country.

  11. When my kids were young and I knew they were in school, I could relax because I knew they were safe. I don't know how parents manage today. I'm lucky to live in Canada where the gun laws are stricter but we still have shootings too...just not nearly as many. I agree with your post 100%. There is a madness loose in the world, not just the USA. Canada is infected too, with some politicians following the Trump playbook. Something I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. I thought we were working on getting past a lot of this crap (fear-mongering, propaganda, racism, misogyny, homophobia...) and evolving into better humans. WTF is happening????


  12. I completely agree with everything you said. Thoughts and prayers are useless - Yes, prayers are useless, because God gave us intelligence and free will and expects us to use it.

    The only real fix for this is the ballot box! If we don't use the only tool we have to make change - then we are stuck with what we have and we deserve it.

  13. Another fix would be to jail parents who leave their guns out and available to their children.

  14. Parents need to keep their guns safely locked up. I know that many of them do but the ones who don't should serve jail time when their child takes said gun and shoots someone. Right now there is no accountability. Yes we know that they feel devastated for those who died or were wounded but they are still responsible.

  15. Completely agree with you. I've been reading your blog for awhile and love it!

  16. I agree with what you said. The latest shooter broke into a locked gun safe! So, his parents did what they should.


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