Friday, November 2, 2018

Five Frugal (And Creative) Things

Sorry folks, somehow the week just got away from me. I wasn't even that busy but reading and other things, well, they got in the way!

1.  I did spend extra time on a couple projects this week and put my Christmas crafting and baking away. My church is having a bazaar and craft sale the weekend of the 10th and I needed to get some contributions in. I tend to be the kind of person that gets the fabric/yarn/paper or whatever and makes what she likes.Some of that gets kept, some of that gets gifted and some gets put into the "I made it, now what?" pile or box. I had two doll quilts and two doll quilt sets with matching pillows already in the box-those will go to said bazaar. I had a set of Christmas cocktail napkins ready to go and those will also go in said bazaar box. I had a skein of pink/peach/white and soft green yarn that knits up fast and that will be a large cowl (the kind you can lift over your head). Last but not least, I was in the Mart the other day and saw bunches and bunches of bright fat quarters and ribbons-which I am turning into re-usable gift bags. To sell at the bazaar, use for my small gifts and give away. Yes, I do like bright Christmas colors. It's night now, and I'll try and post brighter pictures of all tomorrow over on Instagram or Facebook.

2. I went to knitting group, happy hour, and had lunch with my various groups. total expenditure less than $20.00. Tomorrow is my church lunch bunch, but since I'm a late riser and they meet at eleven thirty, I usually settle for an appetizer and a drink since I will have had breakfast late. Also tomorrow, I'm headed out for a relaxing afternoon of hot chocolate and craft-fairing. The hot chocolate is from my Starbucks rewards, and when it come to craft-fairing I tend to be one of those thankless people that says to myself "I can do that at home". So splurging is always a possibility, but rare. Except for earrings, you can never have too many earrings.

3. Baking season is upon is, and my local grocery store has Land O lakes butter on sale for 2.40 on one of those "buy ten get so much off deal". Since I make piles of Christmas cookies (and frosting), buying ten pounds of butter is a no brainer. Christmas cookies can be frozen for up to two months, so the baking (on my schedule and by my mood has begun).

4. Except for salad mix, fruit, milk and rolls we have again eaten completely from the pantry and freezer this week. Hopefully there are better meat sales next week. We did grab a deli chicken for tonight. Otherwise we've had southwestern chicken and pasta, turkey casserole, oxtail stew, and breakfast. Tomorrow, taco salad casserole and Sunday a huge pulled pork.

5. I exercised around the house with my on weights or walked the mall (without spending anything and avoiding those obnoxious soap sellers who keep begging you to smell their stuff). I read two library books and started a third (decided to read the Rebus series before watching the show). I did not go to see A Star is Born (I know how it end's I'll wait till it's free), or Bohemian Rhapsody(waiting for five dollar Tuesday) and instead relied on Netflix and Amazon Prime for my video entertainment.

Now, I'm off to iron more bags, prepare for my nice Saturday alone, and decide if a monthly book club is worth adding to my schedule, now that I've eliminated everything but church and my gals group and my knitting time........who knows?


  1. The gift bags are lovely!! I like the idea of ribbon ties.

    God bless.

    1. They work really well. I like the constract color

  2. I just saw an advert for a new series called Homecoming with Julia Roberts on Amazon Prime. I'll check it out. You are on a roll in terms of Christmas preparations. Good for you. I went out and bought a short kind of narrow tree tonight as they were on sale at Michael's. I've been decluttering and got rid of my short, rather wide tree just a few days ago. I also have a headstart on a few gifts. I just might be ready even earlier than usual. I'd love to have some of your cookies, lol. I'm not much of a baker for Christmas. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Yea, not sure about the Homecoming one, but definitely want to see the new Coen brothers series. We moved to a narrow tree when we moved to this house because of placement. Happy Saturday.

  3. I have a friend who also makes clothe reusable bags and uses them to give to people both empty and full. Very cute and practical. Should be a hit at craft shows. This sounds like a fun time of the year for you.

    1. It gets just a leeetle bit crazy, but that's okay

  4. I've been thinking of Christmas since the calendar turned to Nov. I have ordered some books for presents - Forever Words by John Carter Cash and The Wonky Donkey. The annual pyjamas are purchased for the granddaughters. The Huron Carole hosted by Tom Jackson is in the planning stages. I'm thinking of Christmas baking and food, i.e. orange/cranberry/cornmeal cookies and antipasto. The first batch of pyrogies is in the freezer. I still bring in a tree from the bush/ditch to decorate; I prefer a 6' narrow one. There's snow on the ground this morning. Snow means slow.

  5. Love the photos of all your projects. I've been taking a beginning knitting class, hoping to be able to do more than knit and purl. Luckily, I learned how to knit when I was a kid because I have muscle memory so it's easy for me--the other women in the class are having a hard time. But now that we're into cabling, increasing and decreasing, well, it's been rather exhausting.


    1. Ha! I so do not know how to cable. Increase, decrease, yarn over and knit two togeter I have. Not even sure I know how to slip one.

  6. Love your choice of Christmas fabric.
    Update on UK TV- BBC are running another adaptation of a John Le Carre novel_ The Little Drummer Girl - I enjoyed the first part and will continue to watch. It's made by the same team who did The Night Manager. ITV running a crime thriller called Dark Heart - reviews say it is quite gory so not for me but you might have a stronger stomach.

    1. Yea, the little drummer girl is coming here, at the end of the month I see, I will have to check out Dark Heart

  7. Thinking of making some bags for my daughter in law's shopping. You have inspired me to get going.
    We just finished catching up on Outlander and Poldark. House of Cards was very disappointing...and I am not sure of Bodyguard either. Finished the new Clancy and reading Flynn. Am rereading the Dana Stabenow novels- great for the winter since they are all set in Alaska. She is a great writer. Beginning to learn simple Hebrew and brushing up on our Arabic for our trip in the spring.
    There are several ill family members, so I am gone a lot. My regular groups are fading to other things.
    Otherwise it is turning the garden and mulching time here. No snow yet, but Winter is Coming :)

  8. If you start a book club, I'd love to join. I've been looking for one for a while now.

    - donna


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