Saturday, September 15, 2018

Things That Are Making Me Happy

Thank you everyone, for all your comments and thoughts on the previous post. I realize that we all have different needs and comfort levels. While I know it works for many, I am not satisfied with a walk in clinic, even if it is always the same doctor. I prefer a more intimate relationship. And in my case, this gal acts as both my Gyn and my endocrinologist. That said, I will not be moving with her to this new model, and have started looking at alternatives.

While I hate to turn this into a medical care debate, I would simply observe that most universal health care systems (especially in Germany in France) eliminate the reasons that this doctor is changing her practice. My physician in Germany (who was a fairly well known cardiologist and internist) had nothing in her office except for a receptionist, a part time medical assistant and herself. No medical records clerk, no benefits or insurance administrator. All she had to do was be a doctor. It's a benefit that I think opponents don't realize-universal health care gets rid of the paperwork, non-medical business portion and allows doctors to do their jobs. My thought for the day.  

Meanwhile, a few happy thoughts from this past week:

1. I tend to take on projects that are increasingly difficult, which often means that I have to take out, re-sew,  feed the squirrels with baked goods, and tear up various writings. Thankfully, after the third repeat on this shawl, we seem to be off to the races, and it is now going quickly. Still unsure if this is for myself or a gift, but I am moving onward. I also have another shawl in progress, depending on my mood. I made a small mistake along the edge for about an inch in one section, but I'm thinking I can simply sew that down. Whenever I start a project (be it a recipe or whatever) out of my comfort level, I have that middle moment when I get frustrated. Once I get in my groove though, I'm happy I tried. Don't get my wrong, I still do a lot of frighteningly easy, often mindless things. But every so often, I need the challenge! 

2. I have begun soliciting scarves and warm shawls from all my knitting and crochet type friends to give to meals on wheels. One gal, who is not a friend but heard about my plan, presented me with this lovely scarf that she made from using up all the leftovers in her yarn dresser. Since we have 400 individuals in our area, I doubt that we will have enough for Christmas for everyone with my small group. But the director mentioned that they are always looking for birthday gifts, and I think these will work for that. Another friend is making cards. 

3.  I needed to look at ways to draw back from my homeless shelter volunteer job. It' involves driving thirty to forty minutes each way, and I also want to spend more time in this pre-holiday season at home working and making gifts. I finally sat down with the young woman I support, and I will now be doing a full day one or two days a month at the rather than a half a day plus each week. This was a hard step for me, but it needed to be done. And was one of my September goals.

4. Along with the above, I am finding that pulling back  both geographically (and time wise) has really upped my satisfaction level. I enjoy going on weekend trips, and going to town for museums, festivals and the like. In fact, I'll be doing Oktoberfest downtown next week. But as far as church, regular social stuff and other things, I have narrowed my geographic circle dramatically and am so much happier. My church, recreation center, local independent bookstore, walking path, library, coffee shop and art center are all within a general five mile radius (as the crow flies of course, longer via street and GPS in some occasion.). As are grocery, restaurants and the like. My goal is to leave my little enclave for the fun, exiting stuff on occasion (and the occasional intensive volunteer gig) but to keep all the other stuff equally close to home when I can. 

I really appreciate the fact that I live where I have an independent bookstore, more than one independent coffe shop, a fair amount of small stores and non chain restaurants galore.

5. My women's group has both lunches and social events such as movie dates and jewelry making. There is a different makeup at each of these and sometimes we are three and sometimes we are twelve. But we also have a casual coffee meeting every other week and a happy hour thing every Thursday at the same place. While the lunches and events are fun, these two events (which involve the same core group of people who come as they are able, along with some other drop ins depending) are the most satisfying part of this group I created. All we do is sit and drink and snack and talk. And this is perfect. 

Oktoberfest..........coming soon!

6. And finally, I am loving the "it's not yet fall". A few leaves have dropped and changed. But it's scheduled to be close to ninety for most of this week (and then settle down into the high seventies and mid eighties next week). The nights have cooled, but the days are hot, making a perfect transition to our warm fall. In a couple weeks, it will be time for harvest fest, Oktoberfest, putting out some fall decor, thinking about pumpkin recipes and making sure I have a cardigan in my car at all times. I'll be ready then, I'm not now.

Today-this weekend actually is - one of those "not do much" periods. I'm going to do a teeny bit of housework, casually work on my knitting and sewing ass the mood strikes, keep the dogs company, and enjoy a lot of football very quietly. One adult child is a Colts fan and one is a Redskins fan and both teams play each other this weekend. I, as they say, will be Switzerland.


  1. I was at a party today and someone said the Republicans working on a bill that allows all doctors to reject Medicare and collect cash up front instead, leaving the patients to bill Medicare themselves. If this is turn things are going to change for all of us. Scary! I made baby and toddler mittens one year with all mu scrap yarns.

    Love your gray shawl and the donated multi-colored scarf.

    1. I'm not necessarily opposed to fee for service care, IF the submission part is easy. But I doublt that is true with medicare.

  2. The scrap idea is so good-creative, not wasteful, and will make people happy.

    1. I love that she used up all her stuff to make that.

  3. You wouldn't think that retired people could get overextended. But we can. So good for you for finding your balance. And ... looks like a fabulous coffee shop!

    1. It is. We seem to have many local shops near us that are independent.

  4. How do you "support" the woman in the homeless shelter? LOL, sometimes having too much fun can be tiring. Someone commented of the gray shawl. That looks lavender to me. Which is it?

    1. I support the case worker, who is alone with forty women for most of her day, but allowing her to close her door, have one on one consultations with the women and like. I support the women themselves by providing activities throughout the year on a regular basis. The sawl is gray.


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