Monday, June 12, 2017

I Survived Silver Sneakers (please keep the laughing to a dull roar)!

Hello everyone. I may need your help. I'm experimenting with some layouts, so you may see a different blog a day for a few days. Please feel more than free to comment on the readability of what you see and know that things will be settled soon! I really love this multiple post layout, but it does mean that the blog roll and labels and such are all no drop down instead of the side bar. Since my goal is what works with the readers, feel free to share!

So. It's no secret to anyone who has read my blog for any period of time. My traditional exercise method has been the half an hour walk, along with the normal stretching of house cleaning and such.

Only.  I can't walk anymore, at least for exercise. My doctor feels that it's too unstable, especially since when I do walk I choose to do so alone. So, time to find some other kind of exercise. Because, as a friend (who is in a master's program in retirement) would say: When I pray daily, exercise daily and work on some meaningful project every day, I feel emotionally, mentally, and physically better. So, new exercises must be found.

Today, after talking about it for a year or so, I went to my first two (yes, two) Silver Sneakers classes. You may not always be able to tell it by reading this blog, but my kids would tell you that I am the master of both excuses and procrastination. Why on earth do something today that could just as well be done tomorrow, you know?

In this case, my excuses had a basis in real issues, for what it's worth. I had attended both Silvers Sneakers and Silver Sneakers Aqua in Dallas, and found both to be less aerobic activity than I needed (admittedly, that was then and this is now). As if that weren't excuse enough, all the exercise programs at my local recreation center started at ten am or earlier-a tough time for the gal who reads until two am.

All that changed when I drove by another recreation center (belonging to the same town) a little further afield, walked in and found out that they had both a Silver Sneakers class that started at 11:30, AND that they had a silver sneakers yoga stretch class to follow. What's more the first class guaranteed at least twenty minutes of aerobic activity either standing or from the chair. I was ready.

People!! Let me tell you. I was, without doubt one of the weakest out of shape people there.  Judging Silver Sneakers by my previous location?  What a mistake! I marched and moved and stepped from side to side for twenty minutes, only needing about eight in a chair. I exercised using stretchy bands, a ball, and (wait for it...) one pound weights (because I have a frozen shoulder).  All the while watching the little eighty year old lady in front of me run and hop instead of marching and work out with ten pound weights.  I obviously have a long way to go.

I know that many of my readers do Silver Sneakers, and that for some folks I am preaching to the choir here. But when you have chronic health and physical problems, trying to stay in shape, stay healthy and stay pain free-all at the same time-is a difficult  task.  So often I feel that I'm a) not getting enough aerobic exercise b) not getting enough strength work to support my injuries c) frustrated because everything hurts and people don't seem to care or d) it's like exercise is more worth than it's worth.

So I am thrilled that there were two instructors, one doing the sitting and standing moves. I am thrilled that no one looked askance when I stretched and moved with just one arm above my head. And finally, I am thrilled that I managed to work my way through what was basically two hours of organized exercise, keeping up and not falling.

Even though Silver Sneakers is not free for me (the first complaint I've had in years when it comes to federal retiree insurance).

And as for how hard I workd?  I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow, tomorrow!!


  1. As usual, you motivate me to do more. I, too have thought about Silver Sneakers but haven't yet joined any of the groups. I think my insurance covers it as "free" to me so I'd better check it out. I know what you mean about being in constant pain as my dad has had rheumatoid arthritis for several years so please know that there are people who do care about people like you who have to deal with pain. Thanks for blogging. I really enjoy reading your blog!


  2. I do the Silver Sneaker's class also, and wish there was a Silver Sneaker yoga class. We are a varied bunch with various limitations. One of my friends is 82 with rods up her back and pins in her neck, but she is there at every class doing as much as she can. For many it is a great socializing class where afterwards we share some news applicable to our age group which is probably 60 to 85. I'm proud of you, and hope you take it slow and easy for the first several times. You certainly will know the next day.

    1. Definitely, I'm prepared to take it easy tomorrow and not go Wednesday depending. Interesting really how more secure having that chair next to me makes me feel even if I dont always use it.

  3. Oh I see you writing and telling us come December how you are making the younger thing behind you jealous! Baby steps Barbara. Do what you can when you can and before you know it you will have surpassed your own thoughts of what you could do. You give me inspiration!

    1. Im not sure about that, but I am happy to move again.

  4. I don't do Silver Sneakers, but I do know that it's always more fun to exercise with other people rather than by yourself. P. S. That new bold type is a little hard to read ... blurs together.

    1. Whit type are you talking about Tom. The type in the regular post, or something else?

  5. I agree with Tom. The font in your post and the comments section is distracting and hard to read. And my eyes are in good shape unlike the rest of me.

    1. Okay, and it's completely clear to me. Perhaps because I am posting from a tablet instead of a laptop it is not showing my real view. I'll keep working on it!!!

  6. Your workout is really motivating!!! To be fit and string, it's essential to have great body plans and we should follow them. Those, who don't perform much, stretching is sufficient for them.

  7. I older age, it's really difficult to manage body and be completely fit. but With regular practice of yoga nd workouts, it's possible to do so. Making a schedule and following it properly could be great way towards fitness.

  8. I like this format and find it easy to read. I so need to do what you are doing and get into an inside exercise program. I have not been falling as much as I did a year or two ago when I started walking but the Texas heat is just a killer. I never did like to sweat - or glisten either.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from others, and I also love to hear all points of view.. Just leave the profanity and insults at home, OK? Thanks!!